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이슈 어느 아티스트의 작품들
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2015.10.31 01:45
1,209 12

Optical illusion: This vortex looks as though it's a cavernous hole in the table but it's all part of the mind-bending illusions created by 3D artist Stefan Pabst from Germany

All about the eyes:&nbspStefan uses a range of paint brushes for what he calls '3D drawing' using the trompe l'oeil technique a French term literally meaning 'trick the eye'

Lighting up the page: It takes around three hours for Stefan to create the increible illusions, tricking the viewer with drawn shadows make the work seem to literally jump off the page when they are complete

Art with bite:&nbspHis work ranges from poisonous snakes that appear real enough to touch to stunning drawings of stars including Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie

Rounded artist: He is an expert in creating realistic shapes which look as though they sit on top of the page, sometimes altering the hape of the paper he is working on to create a 3D effect

A stroke of genius: Even the pictures he creates with pencils seem to have the ultra-realistic look that he has become famous for 

Shocking: The pictures are works of art could could be an unwelcome fright if you were to put your hand down on this mouse mat

Shining example: This stunning picture of a tear drop shows how the artist cleverly uses light and reflection to trick the eye

Glass half full: Speaking to MailOnline, the 35-year-old said that his painting of a glass of water – which he captured on video and uploaded to his YouTube channel – is among his most successful pieces

Online community: Mr Pabst also creates photorealistic portraits and this amazing drawing shows Zoe Sugg, the fashion vlogger

Process: It takes around three hours and a range of paint brushed to turn these pictures into creations that could easily be photographs

Famous friends: This picture of actress, model and singer Scareltt Johansson could easily be a fashion photography piece from a glossy magazine but was created with paint brushes

Big names: Over the years Mr Pabst has perfected his portrait technique and now creates realistic versions of stars such as Keira Knightley

A touch of magic: Mr Pabst gets orders from a number of international companies who want him to paint celebrities such as this on of British actor Emma Watson

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