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스퀘어 정본 일본 잡지 인터뷰 (우리드 내용)
4,187 24
2020.09.23 13:48
4,187 24

일본 ANAN 잡지에 인터뷰 실린다는 거 봤었는데 그건가.. ?? 

화보 짤 및 인터뷰  https://m.weibo.cn/status/4552272036504251?#&gid=1&pid=5


해외팬분이 일어를 영어로 번역했길래 가져옴 

Can you tell us about the similarities and differences between you and Ri Jyeong Hyuk?

HB: RJH is one of the most sincere and warm-hearted characters I've played in my career. He's the type of person who doesn't talk much. 1/

"Since I'm not a man of many words, I try to express myself through my actions, which may be similar to his personality. As for differences, I don't think I'm as principled as RJH (laughs)." 2/

How would you describe yourself in your natural state of mind?

HB: I'm a quiet person. Rather than getting emotional, I tend to understand and accept the situation calmly. 3/

Is that closer to your ideal?

HB: I'm not sure if it's close to my ideal, but I think it's easier to live with the ups and downs of life than with the ups and downs of life (laughs). 4/

What do you think of an independent woman like Yoon-Seri?

HB: Seri is very open about her emotions and she doesn't give up on her work or love. She has a strong personality, doesn't she? Not only that, she also has a warmth and sympathy for others. 5/

Hyun Bin: "I think Yoon Seri is the most beautiful woman in the world."

What excites you the most about working on a new film like CLOY?

HB: "The most exciting part of any work is the crank-in moment. I'm sure everyone else is as excited as I am, but I get nervous at the same time when I take on a challenge for the first time." 6/

"It's the first time I'm in contact with my fellow actors and staff, and I can't describe the tension and excitement I feel." 7/

What do you think CLOY became so popular?

HB:  think that the heartwarming romance between RJH and Seri was able to bring compassion & hope to the viewers who're tired of the recent rapid changes in their lives. That's why we received so many words of love from the viewers. 8/

HB: However, even though some time has passed since the end of the broadcast, we were surprised to learn that people in Japan and the rest of the world still support and love CLOY. I am grateful to you for your interest in Korean dramas. [end]

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