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알림/결과 🦊영원다시듣기🐱 Heartbeat (Christopher cover)
365 7
2024.05.02 00:19
365 7





It's like a song
That no one hears
I'm screaming out
But you're not here

All I wanna do
All I wanna do
Is say I love you
All I wanna do
All I wanna do
Is say I care
Words don't work
Feeling like they have no worth
Here and now
There's nothing in between
How could I
Ever describe the way I feel?
Why should I
Even try when obviously
All the words that I say seem to get in my way
Only wish I could
Say it with a heartbeat, say it with a
It's like a stage
Without a crowd
My best performance
But no one's proud
All I wanna do
All I wann do
Is say I love you
All I wanna do
All I wanna do
Is say i care
I swear my words don't work
Feeling like they have no worth
Here and now, there's nothing in between, no
How could I
Ever describe the way I feel?
Why should I
Even try when obviously
All the words that I say seem to get in the way
Only wish I could
Say it with a heartbeat
Say it with a
Say it with a heartheat
(Say it with a, say it with a)
Say it with a heartbeat
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