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스퀘어 I'm always be your side (feat.센차짤)
1,388 24
2021.04.25 18:54
1,388 24
When I'm walk down a road
I don't know well

And I'm full of scare and doubt

I think of you
I think of you

And when life shuts me down
and thete's no way to win

Sometimes I just wanna cry
I think of you
I think of you

When you called my name
I can see the light

Guiding me home
like the stars in the night

I've already known
I've already known
I'm lost without your arms around me

I'm always be your side my love
And this love's entirely for you
with you from you

I'm always by your side my love
From now on my everything's
for you with you from you

When I'm lost in my thoughts
lying awake in the night
And I need to clear my head
I think of you
I think of you

Cause I worry too much
all my fears amplify

Sometimes I just wanna run
I think of you
I think of you

When you called my name
I can see the light

Guiding me home
like the stars in the night

I've already known
I've already known
I'm lost without your arms around me

I'm always be your side my love
And this love's entirely for you
with you from you

I'm always by your side my love
From now on my everything's
for you with you from you

there's no one else
I've got in this world
How could I live without you

Until the sun cools down
we will love
Nothing can stop us
no one can hurt us

I'll be forever in your arms
I'm always be your side my love
And this love's entirely for you
with you from you

I'm always by your side my love
From now on my everything's
for you with you from you
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