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후기 [펌] 16회 해외 반응 (영문만 취합, 일부 번역)
2,729 23
2021.04.18 19:08
2,729 23

번역하다가 방대한 분량에 토할 거 같아서 포기하고 그냥 퍼왔어 미안해 ㅠㅠ

그리고 내 번역 능력, 수사력이 딸려서 그렇겠지만...

극찬 일색이다 보니 번역에 한계가 있더라고 (잘생김을 백번 변주해서 묘사하는 게 어려운 것처럼)

쭈욱 한 번 보고 궁금한 거 있으면 알려줘 댓으로 꼭 답할게

텍스트 통째 스크랩해서 번역기 돌려도 돼

센조맘이어서 센조반응 위주로 모았지만 16회는 센조반응이 압도적이었다는 걸 감안해서 봐줬음 좋겠어

주로 레딧이란 커뮤 한드방에서 긁어왔고

마지막엔 재미교포 칼럼니스트 짹후기와 댓반응도 실었어

(케이팝, ㅂㅌ글 많이 쓰는 분이고 미국 매체에도 종종 기고해서 인플루언서 반응이라고 보면 될 듯)


Hot damn Song Joong Ki can ACT. The last 20 minutes were a masterclass in acting from him. My mouth was open the entire time. Stunning.
와 송중기 연기 진짜 잘 한다 마지막 20분은 마스터 클래스였어 내내 입벌리고 봤네 놀라워

This episode really cements SJK as a powerhouse actor, so much range displayed.
이번 회차는 송중기가 연기 강자인 걸 제대로 각인시켜 주네 엄청난 연기 폭을 보여줬어

I've always loved watching SJK on screen because of how effortlessly he conveys emotional nuance/shifts. He's the rare actor who has both dynamite screen presence and legit acting chops and it's great to see him in a role that really shows off the full range of what he can do.
송중기 연기 (보는 걸) 좋아하는 이유가 감정(선)의 뉘앙스와 변화를 자연스럽게 전달할 줄 알기 때문이야
스크린 장악력과 (공인된) 연기력을 동시에 갖춘 드문 배우인데 그 모든 걸 잘 보여주는 배역을 맡아서 반가워

That last scene was everything. The satisfaction I got from VC avenging his mom killer is next level. And SJK just made that scene phenomenal and did great justice with his acting.
마지막 장면, 내가 바라던 전부였어. 어머니 살인범한테 복수하는 센조 보면서 느끼는 만족은 (이 세상 만족이 아냐)
송중기가 그 장면을 경이로운 장면으로 만들었고 본인 연기력을 제대로 보여줬어

Give SJK a daesang because this man's acting range is crazy!!!!
송중기 대상줘라 미친 연기 스펙트럼이네

Almost a week later here and I'm still blown away by the sheer range of Song Joong-ki's acting. There's literally nothing he can't do and there's been plenty of demonstration of that in previous episodes too (notably him going from coolly murderous with the mafia hitmen to vulnerable and borderline goofy with Inzaghi for rescuing him in the opening of ep 15) but this week we get an absolute buffet
(16회 본 지) 일주일 됐는데 아직도 송중기 연기에서 헤어나오질 못하겠어. 못 하는 연기가 없는 것 같아. 그전 회차들만 봐도 알 수 있는데 (15회에서 마피아 저격수들 대할 때의 냉혈함과 인자기한텐 연약하거나 코믹한 모습) 이번 회차는 완전히 연기 뷔페야

SJK may not have a traditional 'action hero' brawny look, but it works in this series because Vincenzo's all about intelligence, manipulation and quick thinking/moving
cold murderous rage Vincenzo Ajusshi-ing his way through the hitman, all the guards at the club, and blood-spattering his way into the villains' lair. Of course he won't kill them, we have 4 episodes left but SJK in angry mode is genuinely terrifying (and different from his angry psycho mode in Arthdal) I'm just amazed by how he barely needs to move his face to do it all, like....whoa.

송중기는 우리가 보통 생각하는 근육질의 액션 히어로는 아니지만, 이 드라마에서 그게 먹혀 빈센조는 지능과 지략, 민첩한 두뇌 회전과 몸놀림을 지닌 캐릭이거든
(그러면서도) 얼음같은 살기와 분노로 살인범과 경호원들을 "아저씨"처럼 제압하면서 빌런들의 소굴을 피로 뒤덮는 모습이란...
물론 죽이진 않겠지 아직 4회나 남았으니까 그렇지만 분노 모드의 송중기 정말 무시무시하네 (아스달에서 보여준 싸패 모드와도 다르고)
놀라운 건 어떻게 얼굴을 움직이지도 않으면서도 (그 감정들을) 전달하지? 와

Oh my gawd, Song Joong Ki can ACT! I always knew he was famous for his looks, but I had no idea he has legitimate acting chops as well.
Episode 16 alone should win him the Baeksang. The final 20 minutes of the episode had my mouth agape.
오마이갓 송중기 연기할 줄 아네 외모로 유명한 건 알았지만 연기력도 출중한 줄은 몰랐어
16회로 백상 타겠어 마지막 20분은 벙쪄서 봤네

I only really knew him from variety shows and didn’t think of him as one of the better actors but WOW-this episode. That devastating scene where he stands behind his mother’s wheelchair and cries silently, that was so heart wrenching. He could win just for that scene alone. But then to show the 180 degree change to the cold ruthless killer with dead eyes at the end. Props to SJK, I cannot wait to see how the last two weeks (noooo it’s ending too fast) pans out, but I really hope they deliver.
(송중기) 예능에서만 보고 연기 잘 하는 배우라곤 생각 안 했는데 와우. 엄마 휠체어 뒤에서 소리없이 우는 그 가슴아픈 장면도 수상감인데 180도 돌변해서 마지막에 보여준 공허한 눈빛의 무자비하고 잔인한 킬러란... 송중기에게 갈채를. 남은 2주 동안 (작감배가) 무엇을 보여줄지 모르지만 (벌써 끝나다니 ㅠㅠ) 기대 저버리지 않았으면 좋겠어.

Damn Song Joong Ki's eyes showed pure ballistic rage when hitting the perp to the way his eyes became stone cold with no emotion is just commendable.
SJK just upped his game with this one as an actor!!
와 송중기 눈빛 변화 경이롭다... 살인범 팰 땐 분노가 미치도록 넘쳐 흐르더니 (ballistic=탄도미사일 같은) (어느 순간) 감정이라곤 없는 눈빛으로 변했어
이번 드라마로 배우로서의 송중기 기량이 엄청나게 늘어난 거 같아

I saw that too, like the Mafia came out in full force. Glad that Vin didnt kill him and was able to take him directly to the fuckers. Even with all those guards he tore them UP!

There's a reason why he's one of the most "acknowledged and dreaded consigliere". Our evil dumbf**ks should've taken a cue right there!

the fact that V took out at least 10 guys singlehandedly, without portraying any emotion. That’s saying something.

Last 10 mins were undoubtedly sheer brilliance from SJK but this entire week actually the amount of range he's portrayed is AMAZING!!
He went from a literal flower boy to a ruthless raged mafia while having his moments of emotional vulnerability and yearning.
Shoutout to SJK for giving us an amazing act as Vincenzo once again!!!!!
송중기가 마지막 10분 동안 엄청나게 빛난 건 사실이지만 이번 주 내내 보여준 연기 폭 정말 대단해
꽃도령에서 무자비한 마피아로 변신하는 과정에서 감정적으로 연약한 모습과 소망도 보여줬다고
다시 한 번 빈센조로서 명연기 펼친 송중기에게 압도적 감사

I forget that the nature of this role requires him to pretend to be other types of characters too, so he's essentially almost playing multiple people?? From the "big fan" of Hanseo at the gym to the soft boyfriend Tae Ho. Same goes for JYB as they were both put in the shaman situation and fake engagement at the museum. Their performances continue to exceed my expectations so if this doesn't show their range and talent I don't know what will
빈센조 역할 때문에 다른 캐릭도 연기하고 있는 걸 깜빡했네 다중인격체처럼 말야 장한서 팬 역할, 태호 역할... 전여빈도 마찬가지고. 무당놀이, 위장약혼. 내 예상을 깨는 연기들을 계속 보여주고 있는데 그게 재능과 연기폭 아니면 뭐겠어.

I thought SJK was just another pretty boy from DOTS but damn, he’s got range and it’s really really impressive.
송중기 태후로 유명한 꽃미남인 줄 알았는데 연기 폭 엄청나, 놀랐어

So true he slayed every scene and shot ... I definitely did take some screenshots of him in the shaman scene look ngl..
모든 장면과 모든 순간을 깨부셨어. 무당 장면에선 스크린 캡처도 했어. ngl=not gonna lie=고백하는데

His acting in this episode blew me away. I knew he was good after the last 15 episodes, but this was on a whole other level.
이번 회차 연기 보고 자빠짐. 지난 15회 동안 (연기) 잘 하는 배우인 건 알았지만, 이번 연기는 급이 달라.

Man. Did the unlock the beast, ehey! SJK is really talented. I’ve always been really put off by him, but now I’m totally on the fan train! What else should I watch of his work?
괴물을 불렀네. 송중기 정말 재능있어. 별로 안 좋아했는데 이젠 팬이야. 다른 작품 추천해줘.

Have you seen Arthdal chronicles? It was the first K drama I ever watched and is still in my top tier. SJK is amazing in that. I've only just realised it's the same actor playing Vincenzo because the characters are completely different.
아스달 봤어? 처음 본 한드인데 최애작품 중 하나야. 거기서 송중기 정말 잘 해. 빈센조와는 상반된 캐릭들이라서 똑같은 배우인 것도 얼마 전에 알았어. (???)

That entire sequence and the change in his eyes shook me. Give him the Baeksang for that alone!
살인범 대면씬과 눈빛 변화 소름끼쳐 그 장면만으로도 백상 줘야돼  

His acting in this ep is god-tier. The way his eyes screams "NO MERCY" when he turned into an all out Mafia. Damn. Myunghee should already know she fucked up BIG TIME and Jang Han-seok should realize that HE ISNT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS PSYCHO IN HERE lmao bro if these people will not have a slow and painful death IMMA THROW HANDS. On ep 17, the viewers will surely be in for a treat.
이번 회차에서 송중기 연기는 신급이야 마피아 본색 나왔을 때 눈이 “무자비”라고 소리치더라 와
명희는 역대급 사고친 걸 알아야 하고 장한석은 자기말고도 싸이코가 있다는 걸 알아야 돼
이 사람들 고통스럽게 천천히 죽지 않으면 내가 가만 안 있을 거야 17회 너무 기대된다

I can't think of anyone who would've aced this role tbh
빈센조 역할을 (누가) (송중기보다) 더 잘할 수 있을지 상상할 수 없어

Vincenzo was a mafia and will remain a mafia, he takes no shit and he bays for blood those who cross him. The last scene just reaffirms why Vincenzo is top tier dark hero drama. For a moment you would forget how dark Vincenzo is and this scene again brings the record straight to the audience as well as Babo crew too so as to who he is. The hero will not sit back while his loved ones are taken away. I will still never understand how menacing action drama actor SJK is with THAT baby face. It shows how brilliant he is as an actor. Thanks Vincenzo for living upto the line it takes a monster to rule out a monster.
어떻게 송중기는 그 아기같은 얼굴로 액션과 드라마 연기를 그렇게 무섭게, 위협적으로 잘 하지? 이해불가야
정말 대단한 배우라는 걸 보여주는 듯
악은 악으로 처단한다는 모토를 빈센조가 실천해줘서 다행이야

Vincenzo cutting off the fingernails of the killer with his lighter was just pure distilled darkness and rage. I love it.
But seriously - never understood the hype around DOTS but SJK in this role is just worth all the gold in Geumga Plaza
빈센조가 라이터로 살인범 손톱 뽑은 건 순도 100의 어두움과 분노야 너무 좋아
태후 인기는 이해 못 했지만 빈센조에서 송중기 가치는 금가 플라자 (지하의) 금에 맞먹는다고 생각해

DOTS in other terms is okay. But even there, SJK is brilliant as the soldier specially in the action scenes. And here too SJK outshined himself this category. Like the pure unfiltered rage he was conveying in the last minutes was just chilling. Its very very unlikely to see a kdrama lead cut off fingers or take headshots.
태후 무난해. 그리고 거기서도 송중기가 군인역을 참 잘 해 특히 액션 씬. 근데 액션씬도 빈센조에서 훨씬 더 잘 해. 마지막에 뿜어져나오는 그 살기와 분노 아주 소름끼쳤어.

Yeah SJK was very good in DOTS, I think it was just the storyline that I never could get into. Or maybe because I watched it after the DOTS mania and went in with too high of an expectation.
Vincenzo has really cemented SJK as one of top actors in my mind - like we knew he was good but this was a master class performance
(태후에서도 송중기는 잘 했지만 드라마가 내 취향이 아니었다) 빈센조에서 송중기는 탑클래스 배우임을 입증했어 잘 하는 줄 알았지만 이건 마스터 클래스급 연기야

Back to SJK, though... I've hoped to see more of him since Sungkyunkwan Scandal. He stole that show.
성스 이후로 자주 보길 희망했어 거기서도 신스틸러였어

SJK's performance during the last 10 minutes of this episode reminded me of Al Pacino in the Godfather trilogy. He portrays the characters' emotions exceptionally well. I can't help but think that he probably got inspiration from Michael Corleone's character due to the similarity.
마지막 10분 동안 송중기 연기 보면서 대부 3부작의 알 파치노가 생각났어 캐릭터의 감정(선)을 기가 막히게 잘 표현해

DOTS was FLUFF for SJK! Here in Vincenzo he really shines in all his scenes. Like this man is 100% compelled to act his heart out in this comeback drama. From hesitant model to unrelenting soft boi to brokenhearted and in despair son to pure psychotic rage mafia man coming back to the dark side - gosh. I felt all the emotions in every scene! Damn SJK deyummm
태후는 송중기한텐 가벼운 드라마였어. 빈센조에선 모든 씬에서 빛나. 컴백 드라마에서 100퍼센트 자기 자신을 내던지면서 연기하고 있어. 못 이기는 척 도와주는 모델, 한없이 여려보이는 남자, 상처받고 고통받는 자식, 분노가 극에 달한 마피아맨이 흑화하는 모습... 모든 장면에서 모든 감정을 느꼈어. 와 송중기 와와와

Yessss my gosshshhh sameeee. I'm ashamed that i never bothered to check oUT SJK's other works because i was so unimpressed by DOTS.

I was just thinking how fortunate it is that they cast SJK as Vincenzo. Him being so beautiful I think adds to his whole mafia personality. Like in other shows they'd show someone gruff and overly buff as the mafia dude, but here it's the opposite. His cold gaze and his controlled emotions with his handsome and intimidating face are enough to chill his enemies blood. Him in the last 10 mins or so of this episode were absolute brilliant. THIS IS VINCENZO MFRS.
송중기를 빈센조로 캐스팅한 건 정말 잘 한 거야/행운이야. 그의 미모가 마피아라는 남주 설정을 더 빛나게 해주고 있어. 다른 드라마 같으면 거칠고 근육질의 남자를 마피아라고 소개했을 거 같은데 여긴 정반대야. 그의 차가운 눈빛, 절제된 감정, 잘 생겼지만 범할 수 없는 외모만으로도 적들을 얼어붙게 만드니까. 마지막 10분은 정말 환상적이었어. 이게 빈센조다 이놈들아. (MFRS=마더퍼커)

He's a sleek, elegant mafia dude with impeccable manners dressed in 5-figure suits, but deadly and ruthless underneath.
I prefer this version of a mafia.
빈센조는 흠잡을 데 없는 매너와 수만달러(=수천만원) 수트 차림의 유려하고 엘레간트한 마피아지만 그 내면엔 무자비하고 치명적인 남자가 도사리고 있어요. 저는 이런 마피아가 좋네요.

SJK is a superb actor. I finished arthdal chronicles in between episodes of Vincenzo and was amazed at how well he played two very different characters in it. The last few minutes of this episode were just brilliant. His cold and calculating fury was a sight to behold. Did we see some fear in Babo’s eyes at last?

His acting is just commendable, good god. He did have some action scenes in DOTS which seemed just for namesake but Vincenzo does justice to proper action scenes and I would have never imagined this beautiful baby face on a mafia, but the acting is oh so fine. The direction and acting both seem to show what a true human mafia (with principles) would be.

Your comment here just reminds me how good SJK is in Innocent Man, which has a similar vibe. Baby faced man doing some dark stuff lol

Yesss and the emotional dialogue between mother and son was enough to make a grown man cry (literally)...i dont know how to put what i feel in words but all i can say is that SJK portrayed almost EVERY emotion in this episode and he did it with utmost brilliance. I’m still in awe and i’ve never been THIS impressed by any actor. Bravo.
모자간의 (마지막) 대화 보면서 다 큰 남자도 울었어요. 어떻게 설명해야할지 모르겠는데 송중기는 이번 회차에서 모든 감정을 연기했고, 완벽하게 연기했어요. 아직도 경외감에 사로잡혀서 벗어나질 못 하겠는데 배우한테서 이런 감정 느껴본 적이 없어요. 브라보.

I think the scene was especially effective since they weren't facing each other. Great acting, great direction.

Oh God, I was crying so fucking much. Glad I was watching it alone.

I’m not particularly close to my parents and it made me call my mom right after
부모와 별로 가깝게 지내는 것도 아닌데 이 장면 보고 엄마한테 전화했어요.

YOOOO WHAT AN EPISODE!! Did y’all see his face when he was punching the murderer I was lowkey scared. Han Seok will learn he’s not the only psycho around town. choi myung hee needs to be shot in the opening scene of ep 17 first of all, that dancing scene was so strange

That dancing and laughing scene made me sick in the stomach. It was just too much. I just want V to get a samurai sword and decapitate Myung hee.

SJK deserves an award just for this episode alone. If people were still hesitant in the first 15 episodes, episode 16 very well damned blew all doubts out of the water.
From giving us that poignant near-tears scene when they were taking their portraits to full throttle MAFIA mode ---when he entered that paid murderer's house with just a stoic expression, almost void of emotions but even I was scared sh*tless when he so casually but very frighteningly barged in. And when he started punching the guy, and each punch slowly unleashed that inner psycho in him got me both absolutely scared and swooned!
So much excellent acting by SJK in this episode. I might end up writing a whole book if I don't stop myself. I'm so proud of him. I'm sure the past few years weren't exactly the best for him personally and even he himself admitted this during his presscon for Space Sweepers but choosing Vincenzo as his comeback drama was 120% the best decision for him. This is what happens when actors take the leap in choosing their projects and not be dictated by what the public might expect them to take and end up being put in a mold.
SJK should take a bow! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🕊
송중기 이번 회차만으로도 수상감이에요. 15회까지도 잘 몰랐다면 16회는 의심의 여지를 완전히 날려버렸어요.
모자간의 마지막 사진촬영부터 마피아로 변신할 때까지.
살인범 집에 무표정으로 들어서는 순간부터 무시무시했어요. 그리고 막 패기 시작할 때, 펀치 날릴 때마다 내면의 싸이코가 차츰 드러나는 장면에선 무서우면서도 현기증이 났어요. 이번 회차 연기 너무너무 탁월했어요. 칭찬 멈추지 않으면 책 한 권도 쓸 수 있을 거 같아요. 송중기가 너무 자랑스러워요. 한동안 개인사 때문에 힘들었을텐데 빈센조를 컴백 드라마로 선택한 건 120% 잘 한 결정이에요. 그리고 대중이 예상하는대로/원하는대로 움직이지 않고 프로젝트 선택할 때 도전적으로 뛰어오르는 자만이 누릴 수 있는 결실이에요. 송중기에게 갈채를!  

I'm absolutely tickled by the idea of people still being hesitant after 15 episodes.
15회 지나도록 송중기 연기에 의문품는 사람들이 있다구요? 잼있네요 ㅋㅋㅋ

I hope Vicenzo really shuts up the SJK haters.
빈센조 보고 까들이 닥쳤으면 좋겠네요.

PREACH! Honestly, he's such an amazing actor and I wish people will appreciate him! Vincenzo was literally made for him!! 👏👏👏👏

he IS Vincenzo. and we are all living for it 🙌🏼

This drama ELEVATED him. Actors dream of getting such scripts where they can display so much range.
Goddamn, he can act. I'm a convert.

SJK has a hundred stoic faces, each one conveying a different emotion. I am in AWE. He deserves a Baeksang for Vincenzo.

Him kneeling in front of his mother while holding her hand and the amount of emotions going on in his face was the part where I lost it and I couldn’t look away. You could tell he was so heartbroken shocked and angry all at the same time. Just brilliant acting right there. The way he acts with only his eyes sometimes is really something. No dramatic over the top reactions but emotion displayed just by his eyes is not easy to do. I am impressed every episode 👏👏

SJK has flown to my top tier actors and i am so glad i started watching this show, man. What a man!! I'm in awe 💞

This episode. This is the reason why i continued watching Vincenzo. Not for romance, writer biased or unjust going unpunished. This portrayed the fear that he instilled into others and paying them back tenfold for what they did. Thank you for making this episode.

Did you see Myeong Hee’s hand was shaking in that last scene when V shot the hitman. Such great acting!!!
That persona of feeling powerful and mighty, until someone comes along and for the first time, they're scrambling as they feel that their grasp of power is weakening.
The last scene definitely shows how hollow their sense of power is. All Myung Hee has done throughout the show is issue hits without a second thought. She is either eating away like nothing happened or like we saw this episode, 'dancing' with Jun Woo like they are having the time of their life. Time and time again, Myung Hee commits the worst crimes without getting her hands dirty.
This is why the last scene was SO powerful to me. Vincenzo literally chased the hitman down to their little dinner party almost like a wake up call for Myung Hee to realized how atrocious her crimes are. In a way, Vincenzo is forcing her to see the reality of her actions and just how gruesome they can be. V has no problem with getting his hands dirty and that is something I think Myung Hee didn't fully understand until the hit man is killed before her eyes.
[사람 죽이는 것을 밥먹듯 하면서 자기 손에 피묻히지 않고 권력을 쥐려는 최명희와 필요하면 자기 손으로 사람 고문도 하고 죽여본 빈센조를 비교한 글. 센조는 그 무게와 무시무시함을 알기 때문에 명희 눈 앞에서 살인범 죽인 것이 강렬했다는 분석.]

No matter how this ends now, out of the 50 kdramas I’ve watched, Vincenzo has taken top spot. It is better than everything I’ve seen to date And honestly, it’s actually better I’m watching this as it airs otherwise I would have had to quit work temporarily to binge.

Honestly, same bruh. It literally trumps ever kdrama I've ever watched. The story line is so unique and just so engaging because it's not the typical kdrama formula we've been so used to.

Yep. Vincenzo is by far my favorite drama, and following it live has been the most addictive kdrama-chasing experience I've ever had, to the detriment of my sleep and focus.

Honestly Vincenzo has to go down as one of the best K-dramas. I honestly know that although we have to wait 2 weeks, those two weeks will be worth waiting for

No matter how this ends now >>Don’t jinx it! I had too many kdramas ruined for me purely due to a shitty finale... 😩

[빈센조 극찬 멘트. 마지막 멘트는 "어떻게 끝나든"이라니까 제발 징크스 걸지 말라고, 망으로 끝나서 복습 못하는 드라마 많다고.]

Ms. Oh gave birth to Mr. Oh so-fine.
[미즈 오경자 씨께서 미스터 오-소-파인을 낳았다는 멘트.]

people say sjk acts through his eyes and you can totally see it in this one!!
사람들이 송중기는 눈으로 연기한다고 하는데 16회 보면 알 수 있지.

for those who were clamoring for Vincenzo's cold-blooded, merciless murders that are Mafia's trademark, you've got it nicely served on a platter today. that death glare was just on point, perfectly evincing Vince's fury of having the most important thing taken away from him. reminds me of his acting in Innocent Man, through which ive started to be completely enamored of him. SJK's really adept at capturing his characters' anguish or hostility and proves he's not merely a pretty face

I was legit scared to see the murderous rage in his eyes! But then i remembered that he is Mafia Consigliere afterall! Agree, SJK's acting is just brilliant👏!

Pain, so much pain.

Ohhhh slick back Vincenzo, how I've missed you. Perhaps I am a sadist after all.
오 완깐센조 보고싶었어. 나 새디스트인가봐.

Now I understand why they had to delay the next episodes. I've never been so satisfied seeing someone getting killed !! They woke up the demon !!
and the one in all of us 😅 definitely not one for violence but for V, i say make them pay –– and make them pay hard.

Song Joong Ki is a ballistic bitch that showed NO MERCY TODAY FOR NO ONE.

Song Joongki's simply deserve praising. You can totally see Vincenzo's rage in his face and eyes, he looks really scary

At this point I'm not even mad they need a two week break for so-called improvements because they seriously need to think about how the story progresses from that hell of an ending. DAMN WHAT AN EPISODE.

And i need two weeks to recover from this episode

[2주 결방해서 다행이라는 멘트들.]

That has got to be one of the strongest episodes of character development EVER.
There’s multiple facets of V that we’re exposed to and SJK does such a phenomenal job in portraying all of them. From major softboi vibes to absolutely devastated and heartbroken to numb rage all in the span of 20 minutes.
We finally got what we were waiting for in terms of Mafia brutality, and OH BOIIIIIIIIII.
Also lighters are an all purpose Mafia weapon?!?! - watch me think about that every time I light my cigarette until ep 17 is out. Big yikes.
PS: I’m highkey getting trap vibes from the ending. I hope that’s not the case, but it feels like the murder was just to bait V

SJK’s range as an actor in this drama is amazing. The subtle changes in facial expression going from warmth, vengeful to just absolutely cold/killer mode...I’m speechless from today’s episode.

>> when they widened I got goosebumps! Vin was a beast!
>> This is the perfect summary of this episode.

[달랑 멘트 한 마디만 게시한 사람도 있는데, 멘트가 "눈!" 그 밑으로 센조 눈 넹글 돌았을 때 소름끼쳤다는 소감과 완벽한 에피소드 요약이란 소감 댓글.]

Vincenzo's hairstyles are definitely metaphors. Just when he was starting to be more vulnerable, with his hair half-down, half-pulled back as he spends time with CY and his mom, and the tenants on recent episodes, that last few minutes of him unleashing the Mafia persona, we're now back to a fully brushed up hairstyle again just like the first episodes.
Really loving the intricacies of this drama. And gosh that acting! Song Joong Ki really topped himself in this role. Those last few minutes would be probably be on my top fave kdrama sequences now.

He also wears paler colors when he's vulnerable, and goes back to black when he's in mafia mode.

Yeahh! Such good visual language this drama has
이 드라마의 시각적 언어에 대한 찬사

Omg cutting off that fingertips is the Beyond Evil x Vincenzo cross over I didn't know I needed in my life.
Kill her kill her kill her!!!
[손톱 뽑는 거 보고 괴물과 빈센조 크로스오버 보는 줄 알았다고, 그걸 갈망하고 있는 줄 몰랐다고.]

Lord my throat hurts from screaming KILL THAT BITCH

EPISODE 16 DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so satisfying that I dont mind waiting for 2wks for the ep17 and 18. Kudos to the writer and director and everyone behind this drama.
Song Joong Ki freakin killed acting Vincenzo, it was like it was made for him. Just by his eyes, you can feel his emotions; whether drama or thriller. Hands down 🙌🏼
Looking forward to the coming episodes, excited what this series will unfold.

tVN & netflix: weeeeell.... You have to wait 2 weeks for episodes 17 and 18
me: really? You're gonna make me wait that long?
Also tVN & Netflix: (gives us full berserk and extremely scary Vincenzo for the last 5 mins)
me: well i think I'm gonna need more than 2 weeks to process the sheer awesomeness of that scene.
- 티벤과 넷플릭스: 17, 18회까지 2주 기다려야 돼
- 나: 미쳤니? 그렇게 오래 기다리게 만들겠다고?
- 티벤과 넷플릭스: 무시무시한 마피아 센조 5분 동안 보여줌
- 나: 음 마지막 장면의 충격에서 벗어나려면 2주갖곤 안 되겠는데.

Words cannot describe the cinematography of Vincenzo

People: Vincenzo lost his mafia edginess when he arrived in Korea
Vincenzo: (tortures his mother's killer, beats him to a pulp, breaks off his fingers, forces him to lead the way to Babel who ordered the hit, let's him beg for his life and finally shoots him to death)
People: OH SHHHHHHH...Did you have to go that far!?!?
I was so hyped and giddy with the last couple of minutes! It was so awesome to see Vincenzo go berserk!
- 사람들: 센조 말야, 한국 와서 마피아 엣지를 잃어버렸어.
- 빈센조: 엄마 살인범 고문, 죽도록 팸, 손가락 부러뜨림, 교사한 일당한테 가도록 몰이함, 목숨 구걸하게 만듬, (명희 앞에서) 총살함
- 사람들: 너무 심한 거 아냐

This is perfect! Love the amount of evil and crime happening. 😈 🍿 looking forward for the next 4 episodes!

I am absolutely blown away by Song Joong-ki in this series. This episode did it for me. I have to say that Vincenzo takes over Yoo Si-jin as my favorite SJK character. Big Boss was just so darned cute and charming that I was hanging onto him, but this episode really blew things out of the water. No longer can I turn away from how FRIGGIN' AMAZING Vincenzo is as a character.

Big Boss is fluff compared to Vincenzo! Damn. Still speechless from his range here. GOOD GOSH



That more than an hour episode is indeed a roller coaster of emotions. Imagine laughing so hard at Vincenzo’s photoshoot for Bye Bye Balloon, then after a minute you’ll find yourself so angry and hating everyone in Babel and Wusang! I hate it that we’ll need to wait for another two weeks to see what’s gonna happen next.
Big props to the cast and production staff!

Anyone else with a sore thumb from all the upvoting? V opening up a can of whoop-ass has put me in a good mood.

Vincenzo with his sexy slicked back hair, black suit, gun in one hand and blood on the other is a whole mood 💦
Song Joong Ki just casually showcasing his acting - laughing and smiling so brightly with the tenants, then full on weeping with his mother, and abruptly transforming to the most vengeful, raging, murderous Vincenzo within a matter of minutes. Well done 💯

Hi, am looking for someone to knock me out for two weeks till ep 17 airs. Willing to pay good money. Either that or does anyone have a hibernation pod I could borrow? HIT ME UP.
THIS BLOODY EPISODE. I swear. My heart. I can't even form words. Here are some thoughts summarised into short sentences bc my brain is malfunctioning:
Vincenzo is tailored made for SJK. His acting skills honestly SHONE THROUGH in this episode.
Can someone pls check on my gurl Chayoung?! I feel like she's still not given time to heal from her dad's death and the bombs just keep dropping.
Ok, that's all. I need time to heal. I am just physically in pain right now.
[24일까지 기절시켜 달라는 주문. 돈 내겠대. 아니면 동면실이라도 빌려달래.]

SHEEEEEER BRILLIANCE! SJK's acting is delivered with so much restraint but yet oh so powerful for maximum impact! Anybody can easily bawl and cry loudly over the loss of a mother. I mean, that's what is expected right? But that silent, deadpan look beside his mom's deathbed? And that no-nonsense, controlled acting while looking at CCTV? And that glorious series of icy cold mafia badassery? Jeeeeeez such range and control! And what a way to deliver! I know SJK is a great actor, with Arthdal Chronicles and Werewolf Boy as my absolute favorites in terms of acting. But damn, that last 10 minutes of this episode just pushed Vincenzo up waaaaaay ahead!

- OH SHIT! This show went DARK. It went there! Oooooof. Everyone who wanted dark are going to get a super dark remaining 4 episodes. Mafia VC is back. I was wincing at the lighter torture scene.
- This episode is a masterclass in acting from SJK. GODDAMN. We went through the whole emotional range. This dude isn't just a pretty face. He can ACT.

Yep! Mafia Vincenzo is back! That lighter scene was gruesome. I felt secondhand pain in my fingers. Vinvin was scary but sooo hot, forgive me Lord.
This was the most I've cried in all the episodes, happy and sad tears.

Vinvin was scary but sooo hot, forgive me Lord.

I feel you with the forgive me lord!! Glad its not just me who’s highkey thirsting over Mafia lord!

This is my first Song Joong Ki drama and now I get what the hype is about. He really is a gorgeous man and a great actor.

Hahaha, I just remembered that on the thread for ep 1-2 someone described Vincenzo as “John Wick with a skincare regime” and that description is even more fitting after the end of ep 16
1, 2회 끝나고 빈센조는 '피부관리 잘 하는 존윅'이라고 평한 거 봤는데, 16회야말로 그러네

His skincare routine probably involves using the blood of the enemies he killed
빈센조는 적이 흘린 피로 피부관리 하는 거 아닐까.

Somehow, they are leaving me at a cliffhanger I can probably live with.
What another roller coaster ride!

We wanted dark Vincenzo and boy did we get him. I’m devastated it was at the cost of his mother, but what else was going to unleash the monster in him?
I am absolutely in awe of the depth and breadth of SJK’s acting. That he has had us in stitches in the last few episodes with his comedic timing, to bawling our eyes out with him at the reunion with his mother, to his unbridled fury and ruthlessness during that last scene. Honestly it felt invasive being a witness to the level of Vincenzo’s pain. Astounding. 👏👏
That little touch of Cha Young looking at the picture of her father was devastating. It was so beautiful how she was able to give Vincenzo and Ms Oh a little bit of what she didn’t get with her father.
I’m so glad I stuck with this show, it has absolutely blown my mind. Gutted we have to wait two weeks for another episode but I am SO. PSYCHED. for the last four episodes!!!

Hands down, this is the best k-drama out of all I have watched. It was Mr. Sunshine in my heart before but Vincenzo it on the extereme level. I'm really glad I started the hype train from the beginning, and I get to experience roller coaster of emotions. Song-Joong Ki is really amazing on portraying as the title character, as well as the whole cast. The production is amazing, the plot, story flow is just mind-blowing. And the ost, made by Aalia is really something, it sets that vibe. Everything in this drama is just top tier. This drama deserves everything. From remarkable scenes every episodes and plot twists.
This episode is so filled with emotions, from the mother-son scenes, and to the anger, awakening of devil inside Vincenzo. Now we will get to see how a mafia consigliere, wait no, a son get his revenge. It's a pity we'll wait 2 weeks but yeah, this drama deserves all the attention, the wait, the hype. I really want to express my satisfaction with the drama, but I just can't say it all.

Holy forking shirt balls, this episode served and how! A number of things that happened we knew were coming but they did a great job in setting it up and wrenching as much of an emotional rollercoaster as they could from the viewers. Everyone’s acting hit all the right notes this episode. As others have already pointed out SJK really really owned the episode today. With a lot of the gore not actually being shown, to have to depend on the character’s expressions alone to convey a scene with no dialogue can be so tricky to pull off.
It obviously sucks V and his Mom didn’t have a chance to mutually acknowledge what each knew already, but I’m oh so glad that at least they got to hug. As previously established V is not very expressive with showing his emotions so from a character standpoint that was very significant. You also have got to just love the fact that in his moment of pure unadulterated blind rage he still has the presence of mind to pause and ask CY to be by his Mom’s side, because if you think about it for someone like him rage offers him clarity of thought. It’s an excellent distinction between the psychopath’s and his cronies’ rage vs V’s.

Another thought...I find it heartbreaking that the last person V’s mom speaks to is JW, rather than V and the worst part being that she seemingly unloaded a lot about her life pertaining to V to HIM if all people Le sigh.
센조 엄마와 마지막으로 대화 나눈 사람이 장준우라니, 너무 가슴 아프다. 센조한테 미처 못한 얘기를 준우한테 다 털어놨다는 것도... (한숨)

The music/scoring for this show is insanely good. Especially during the scene where V discovers his mother. So beautiful, so truly heartbreaking to watch Vincenzo try to process what has happened. The music really conveys such strong emotion here that there is no need to have any dialogue.

Agree. The cinematography is top notch as well, fully capturing the emotions so beautifully portrayed by SJK in the scene.

Man, this episode was BRUTAL. Just when Vincenzo was ready to fully embrace his mother, they took her away from him😭😭 I thought he'd immediately break down in tears after seeing her but seeing how that didn't happen just speaks to how enraged he is. I really don't understand how Jang Han-seo and Choi Myung-hee thought it was the right move to kill his mom. They've seen how brutal he can be. Vincenzo was obviously holding back before but now he's not going to show any mercy.
Other points from the episode:
I don't think I've ever wished for a character to die as much as I'm wishing for Choi Myung-hee to. It's funny how she's so willing and okay with killing but so afraid to die. That alone will make her downfall so satisfying.
I'm starting to like Jang Han-seo. I hope he'll be fully involved in the process of bringing down his brother.
Hong Cha-young trying to make Vincenzo and his mom bond was so sweet. She wasn't forceful or meddling but just so encouraging along the way.
The scenes between Vincenzo and his mom were so heartwarming. They both said and heard things that they needed to.
SJK's acting is honestly next level!! Without even saying much in the last few minutes of the episode, he was able to express so much. This is my first time watching him in a drama and I am soooo impressed by his skills.

Wow what an episode! I think this is definitely one of the most powerful episodes of this show. The bittersweet and heartwarming moments in the first half of the episode transitioning into absolute madness and gory violence towards the end. Absolute Chef’s kiss
It was really heartbreaking to see Vincenzo who was finally finding peace and reconciling with his mother lose her in such a tragic cruel way. We all knew she was gonna die eventually but to see her go just as Vincenzo was making the final step of calling her ‘mom’, just as she told him that she never abandoned him, it was truly heart-shattering to watch.
I had such admiration for Cha Young these two episodes for pushing Vincenzo to reconcile with his mom so he doesn’t end up with regret like she did. I felt really sad for her when she watched Vincenzo with his mom knowing that she would never be able to do that with her late father. And even still, neither Cha Young nor Vincenzo had properly made amends with their parents. And now, both of them have lost them....
I would also would love to mention the moment between Vincenzo and Mr.Tak (the owner of the dry clean) when he told him not to be something he’s not and to keep doing what he does best. As well as the fact that Cha Young didn’t try stop Vincenzo from going full on mafia, but actually accepted and fully supported him.
Also I really loved the darkness towards the end of the episode. The way we got it was truly unfortunate but I won’t lie how much I enjoyed the violence and the absolute stone cold empty stare of Vincenzo who was boiling with fury. I really hope he kills Myung Hee, I can’t wait to see her dead!!!
P.S. I’m really sad how we didn’t get any Chayenzo crumbs this week even though we all knew we won’t... Manifesting only the best for our mafia couple!!!
I really don’t know how I’m supposed to wait for another two weeks but I really don’t want want this show to end either :(
Sorry for the long post. This show is driving me insane.

this episode truly redeemed itself compared to ep 15. It literally reminded me why I started stanning song joong ki.
I mean obviously, it's not a surprise, that Babel killed V's mom. It was so obvious from the middle of the series.
Vincenzo tearing out so much during his walk with his mother, affected me too honestly. Kudos to SJK with his amazing eye expressions.
Mother instinct will always work. Ms. Oh already knew that he is her son, before Vincenzo properly tells her so, which is sad cause, that was her last moments with her son.
Chacenzo is now both an orphan. 😔 This is so sad. When Cha Yeong looked again to her portrait with his late father?? That attacked my heart too. Poor her. Ms. Oh would've been her mother figure and her future mother-in-law.
With all the emotional scenes aside, there's something that is so obviously illogical for me at least. It's the assigned guard for Ms. Oh. He legitimately saw Joon Woo talking to V's mother, and somehow, V wasn't informed??? that guard is so USELESS, imo. He literally had the time to tell Vincenzo about this. At least Vincenzo, would've prepared and assigned more men or installed some devices to her room. Now, obviously the writers want us to show Vincenzo, truly suffering. but they could've executed Ms. Oh's murder better.
Well, this ep redeemed itself quickly with that epic ending. Huge applause for song joong ki's acting. He absolutely nailed the portrayal of Vincenzo, being full of rage, while being numb and emotionless at the same time. His eyes really is his greatest asset when it comes to acting.

fuck me, that was one of the most brilliant episode ever. I was breathless for last 10 min. That fucking rage and those burning eyes.
It's gonna be a long 2 weeks wait.

SJK's acting is everything. 😮🔥

Excuse me while I rewatch the last ten minutes of this episodes for two weeks.

I questioned myself yesterday why I am loving this show when it is ridiculous and not my type... I guess the last sequence of today's episode gave me the answer. THE ACTING, one thing that clearly stood out, not just song Joong ki but everyone is delivering so good it's almost like they are the characters.

i think its interesting how the writer / director / actors portray the irony of it - myung hee and han seok are presented as crude and low-class despite being on the legitimate side, while vincenzo has a calm elegance despite being on the illegal side. the way myung hee sits and talks appear crass, and han seok is just a vicious barbarian. vincenzo on the other hand barely has his suit out of place and always seems to be very put together.
최명희와 장한석은 (표면적으로) 합법적으로 일하는 무리지만 저급하게 그려지는데, 빈센조는 (불법적으로 일하는) 마피아인데도 차분한 엘레강스로 대비되는 게 특이해요.

I just came here to say SJK literally nailed it this episode. What a phenomenal actor wow

I was hoping for a waltz/dance scene but oh my goodness that was not what I meant.
Fantastic episode nonetheless, though! Mafia Vincenzo rises, and the slicked back hair returns.
춤추는 씬을 원한다고 했지만 이걸 말하는 게 아니었다구요. ㅠㅠㅠ
그래도 대단한(판타스틱한) 에피소드였어요. 마피아 센조 부활하고 완깐이 돌아왔네요.

[어깨로 경호원 헤드록한 다음에 목을 부러뜨렸을 때 표정 봤냐고 소리소리 지르는 분]

He twisted that guy's neck as if he's getting one of those Kopiko candies
[코피코 캔디처럼 목 부러뜨렸다는 댓글]

Feel the wrath of Vincenzo, Jang Hanseok and Choi Myunghee! I was literally cheering for Vincenzo when he went to find his mother's killer and beat the hell out of that guy. That ending was so satisfying to watch. I wish V would kill them right at that moment, but I remember how much V wants to wait for the right moment to kill his enemies when they already get everything they wanted. How much more when they kill the people close to V?
Please don't get me started with the mother and son moments. We knew it would happen but my tears can't help from flowing. And did I hear it right? V's mother already knew that V is her son? That just made me more devastated.
How are we gonna survive the next two weeks? HOW?

When you knew what was coming and was hoping you were wrong, yet you knew it had to be done to witness the most satisfying revenge.

Grasping at straws here trying to figure out how things will go down for the next 4 episodes.
Anyway, legitimately asking because i am suddenly awake and have snapped back into my questioning self after being in awe and getting all hyped up because of brushed-up consigliere and corn-salad-no-more Vincenzo coming back to life!!

Overall, the last twenty minutes are, in my opinion, some of the best moments of this series. I now don't mind the two-week break as much, because this episode will stay in my mind for a long time to come.

all that aside, this episode might have been SJK's best acting in the whole show so far omg

The dumbest idea they ever came up, great lets provoke the top consigliere of Italian mafias by killing his only family member.

This frictionless unleashed dark evil Mafiaso Vincenzo is what I've been waiting for all season!!!!! And thank god Chayoung did not hold him back and actually egged it on! So satisfying!
I'm calling for a Vincenzo Prequel: Italy. I need more dark Vincenzo please!
What an unbelievable episode. I need 2 weeks to come off this Vincenzo high tbh.

SJK really outdone himself acting as Vincenzo! This drama feels like he is telling the world to stop focusing on his personal matters and just look at his acting skills. And I thought it was brilliant to choose an action drama as a comeback, with just a little bit of romance factor, so that we don't get distracted with the skinship hahaha. Now he is a flower-mafia-boy 😍
NGL I have rewatched the last 15 mins so many times as I am typing this hahaha. Ok thanks for entertaining my excitement!!

SJK’s acting is just... amazing, oh my god?! I am literally speechless. This guy can act through his eyes alone.
I don’t know how I’ll survive knowing there’s a break next week. The cliffhangers are getting worse every episode.

I was at first crying into my bag of chips and next thing I knew I was at the edge of my seat eating at record speed while watching Vincenzo FUCK 👏 SHIT 👏 UP 👏 HE'S NOT HERE TO PLAY Can't wait to see what Babel/Wusang will do next now that they're faced with the literal devil and how V will deal with them!
The murderous look in V's eyes while he was punching that guy was CHILLING. Song Joong Ki and his acting deserves all the praise for this episode alone DAMN HIS RANGE from soft heart-wrenching scenes to straight up torture and murder WOWOWOW I'M NEVER GONNA MOVE ON

It's such an intense episode. What a perfect way to leave us hanging before the break.
There's a lot of great scenes, but Vincenzo posing as a model for Bye Bye Balloon was my favorite. I LOST IT WHEN HE HELD THE 🌎 AS A PROP.
Taecyeon was so charming when he was talking to Vincenzo's mom. Too bad it was just an act. Based on their convo, it seems that she knew he was her son. I also feel like she told Cha Young about it on her letter. I hope they'll confirm it if it's true.
At first, I was wondering where he was heading to with the murderer. I didn't think he'd come to Taecyeon's place. It was so satisfying when he shot the bloody guy in front of them. I know Vincenzo doesn't like to hit women and children, but I'M CROSSING MY FINGERS THAT HE'D TARGET MYUNG HEE NEXT. SHE DESERVES IT.
Han Seo was so cute when he excitedly came to Jipuragi to tell what he'd done. He felt so proud that he saved them and thought he managed to trick his brother even though his schemes were too rookie-like hahahaha.
Did they even think about making a backup copy of the guillotine file? When they were talking about how they'll protect it after the fire incident, I just want to shout at them and ask if they ever thought about saving a copy somewhere else.
I guess the writer love the Myung Hee + Jun Woo ship more than Chayenzo. I love their celebratory dance there hahahaha
SJK was so impressive in this episode. He was cute during the modeling scene, and I almost cried when he was talking to his mom. Then he gave us an intense cold rage in the end. I can't wait to see what Vincenzo would do in the next episode.

Petition to have Inzaghi peck out Myunghee’s eyes... no just me okay.

This episode is just too painful. *sighhh My hearth bleeds for Vin. Im bit confused on how the writer will wrap up everything..

yeah didn't expect to be sobbing for an hour straight but here we are so thank u for that episode 16

14 days to go and today is day 1 ........ tomorrow we shall start re-watching episode 1 of Vincenzo.

no words just wow

this is about to be the longest 2 weeks of my fucking life

it was so great (but also painful) to see V go HAM. That look in his eyes as he was beating his mom's killer. SJK is such a good actor. Plus the way he allowed the killer to live long enough to be chased to the mansion before killing him in front of all of them was cold-blooded. Mafia Vincenzo is back and Hanseok and co better pray.

SJK has a certain X factor.

This is terrible but I love dark mafia Vincenzo. His fury and anger is just so freaking primal and unrestrained. I LOVE, LOVE that we're finally seeing more of this side because let's be real, relying on SK prosecutor to get the bad guys? Unless he's Hwang Si Mok that ain't going to happen.
I love the last 10 minutes and Song Joong Ki's acting was honestly next level. He 100% deserves that Baeksang nomination. While it's crazy competition and I have no doubt the other actors deserve it too (I watched FOE and LJK is amazingggg!) but I feel the range SJK shows in this one drama is really spectacular.
He's done the dark action hero on point, he's done the weird elaborate schemes and all those characters, he's done slow burn romance, he's done the comic scenes really well too which I think is often under-appreciated since it seems easy but comedy is always hard to get right imo, and lastly he's done melo so beautifully with his expressive eyes. That last scene was sooo on point with his expressions and eyes. I had cooled off SJK because I didn't care for DOTS but wow, he is fantastic in Vincenzo.

I feel like the writer tailor made the role and wrote SJK into every genre for this show just to get him awards: melo, action, comedy, saeguk, aeygo, romance. Everything is covered.

I freaking love dark mafia Vincenzo too. He really does the fighting roles so well. It’s extremely hot.

He really does them with elegance and grace in his suits, which makes him feel more consigliere than just a thug.

Can’t believe people were saying this role doesn’t suit him

Probably the same people who thought DOTS wouldn’t suit him haha.
I think he has a pretty face but a lot of “inner force/strength” similar to say Park Bo Gum. When they aren’t emoting, they look like a puppy but once they’re acting whoa they mean business.

oly sht what a fcking episode, it really got me in ALL THE FEELS.
Firstly, the tears being shed by both Vincenzo and his mother was an absolutely tear-jerking scene for me. It truly felt so ripping that they were only able to embrace each other for such ephemeral moments. That photoshop with HCY pushing that mother and son photo was truly beautiful 🥰🥰That scene made me BALLLLLL.
We need a ROUND OF AN APPLAUSE for SJK. 👏👏👏👏
His versatility as an actor is absolutely IMMACULATE. He is a true consigliere, I mean using his lighter to rip the nails and fingers of a criminal. GENIUS. The writers must be commended on the crafting of his character to STAY TRUE to Vincenzo’s origin. Thank god Vincenzo didn’t sulk or cry too much when his mother died and went STRAIGHT FOR THE KILL because that’s what we’re here for. The way he BODY SLAMMED THE FUCQ outta those 20 bodyguards was awesome as fuqqq.

I would also like to point out that the way Mr. Corn Salad made his mom's killer walk all the way to his boss' lair while incapacitating the guards, in addition to the fact that fingers were cut off with a lighter after the beating of a lifetime, was very evil. 😂 Then to kill that person in front of the one who gave him the order, was so sinister on Vincenzo's part. The villains were actually trembling in fear. Lol
Superb acting by SJK.

watching vincenzo's rage spree. It's so satisfying and serious. What a magnificent performance by SJK. So glad he got this role. Got goosebumps when his eyes widened!,

I re-watched that scene and the end like 5x already, oh so good!

The ending of this episode is so cathartic that I think I'll be able to survive the 2 week wait for 17 & 18. It's quite funny that Myung Hee essentially forgot what V did to her in the laundromat earlier in the series and decided to kill his damn mom Like you think V is just playing and won't go through with it?? Smh
I've always been indifferent to SJK, but he really blew me away with his portrayal of V and the cold blooded mafia nature. I hope he has another drama soon after this one ends.

I am still agog at SJK's acting in this episode. MASTERCLASS.
I know ppl said he was a decent actor, but I thought that was using other "CF actors" as the benchmark for acting. This is on a whole other level. I thought JYB had more acting chops and range between the two of them, but SJK might just be equal.

I love (but also hate) how we finally had Vincenzo visibly softening as a character with a new wardrobe, his hair down and then after what happened at the end it was straight back to him being all slicked up in Mafia mode

If anybody needs me, I'll just be here replaying the last 10 mins for 2 weeks.

I always thought SJK was a talented actor, but after this episode he straight up deserves to be in the 25million category. He completely shooketh me.

I love how Vincenzo becomes the walking horror in front of Babel peeps and indirectly saving the dumb duo's asses. I am pretty satisfied how the ending shot turned out. That will be enough for the next two weeks of waiting.
Also props to Song Joong Ki for tonight's episode! Looking forward for some more!

the most satisfying cliffhanger, I won't mind waiting 2 weeks.🤣

The tears I shed on this episode was WOW! I’ve been telling myself throughout the episode: don’t kill the mom, don’t kill the mom but that’s exactly what happened. I honestly thought that’d be the ending of this episode but the real one was even more fitting for an ending. It sucks that we don’t have Vincenzo next week when I am dying to know what Vincenzo is going to do in that situation. This was the first time he was ever this angry in the entire drama and it’s amazing what anger can do to someone.

Okay, so the last scene gave me SO MUCH SATISFACTION. What does that say about me? And how am I supposed to wait for two weeks after THAT? Seriously. Episode 16 is so freaking GOOD.
[Mafia] Vincenzo ALWAYS DELIVERS. And I can’t believe that Song Joong-ki’s pulling off this dark character with a baby face? With such calm demeanor! I love everything about this drama! I can’t wait for the remaining episodes!

Highlight of the episode?
The look on Myung Hee's face when Vincenzo killed the man she hired to kill her mother.
Fucking priceless

How could the writing and production be any more superb? If the drama becomes more riveting after a two week "improvement hiatus", viewers will require tranquilizers in order to watch. Start preparing the awards for Song Joong Ki. He is a walking cardiac arrest causation!

Ummm 😟I just want to applaud all the actors this episode especially SJK, I can’t even comment on each scene, all of it was executed with extreme skill 🤝 shoutout to the writer as well!

Vincenzo's eyes when he punched the killer was so intense that I became scared. Props to SJK damn boi you got all my respect!
Honestly, I love this drama sm. It just have the enough romance between the lead like IT'S NOT TOO MUCH that the whole plot of mafia thingy will be set aside. While on the other hand, the action that caught our eyes to watch this drama is still there. Now that V is going all out mafioso my heart is beating is so fast. Like this is WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR YAS GIVE ME MORE
From V is torturing the killer and up until the ending, I noticed that I am clenching my jaw too and my heart is beating so fast. HANDS DOWN VINCENZO IS THE BEST KDRAMA THAT I HAVE WATCHED THIS YEAR
ALSO, Vincenzo is not cutting his fingers, he is just removing has nails. AND an we talk about THE HEADSHOTS???? OMG I'M LIVING FOR THEM because when there were shootings before I am curious about why they don't show it when he IS a mafia himself HE IS A BRUTAL LAD IM GLAD THEY PUT THEM

this was such a rollercoaster of an episode, super intense and really pulled at my heartstrings watching the development between V and his mom. SJK really cemented his position as one of the best actors in my book after watching this episode!

For anyone who talked smack about Joong Ki unable to pull-off a mafia consigliere role because he’s too “baby faced” this episode is a slap to their faces.

Honestly that’s what makes it even better. His prettiness disguised how truly ruthless he is

thousand congratulations on Song Joong Ki. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ACTING RANGE. Incredible.

That wasn't Vincenzo or the Italian Mafia that walked in your door.
That's your DOOM standing right there!!!!

Okay I wasn’t ready to bawl like this today! Vincenzo holding on to the chair tightly while his mom’s apologizing for leaving her son and not keeping her promise is brutal. I can’t take it. I’m going to have puffy eyes all day and for that I blame SJK’s amazing acting. Why do you do this to my heart director nim and writer nim

This episode deserves best performance and cinematography! Amazing performance! Joong-ki eyes at the last 15 min says it all

SJK gave me chills, goosebumps, heart fluttering, laughter, fear and tears all in this one powerful episode. Perhaps the writers are being thoughtful to allow two weeks for recovery from emotional overload. Just WOW! I must steel myself to want to feel more. Today was enough "drama passion" for a while......

Other than the last 10 minutes of the episode that were just brillant, acting and directing wise, the highlight of the episode for me was Vincenzo's moment with his mom in the park, it was heartwrenching!

that ending was the hottest fucking thing i’ve ever seen y’all i am fucking crazy i swear i blacked out for 5 seconds byeeeeee

it was so hot my jaw was dropped the whole time

unbelievably hot. more needs to be said about the soundtrack I think -- the cinematography and editing (AND ACTING) are amazing but the audio puts it over the top.

That last scene and the look on Vincenzo’s face! I had goosebumps. I hope all of them die a nice slow torturous death!

OMG. Loved this episode. I complained about the last one going off the rails a bit but I’m fully back on board (not that I ever got off the train!) SJK really stepped it up a notch - the sweet moments with his mom but then the take no prisoners side - which he can turn on at the flip of a switch (or flick of a lighter - sorry I couldn’t resist).

Istg i want to snap Myung-Hee's neck the same way V snapped that guy's fingers.
And the way the lights went out of his eyes when he was pounding on his face, maaaan, it really scared me. Song Joong Ki, you keep amazing me. Wow.
My boy Vincenzo's fringes are gone and he ain't here to play. He's fully unhinged now and Babel should be searching for a nuclear shelter now.

I got shivers, tremors, goosebumps and a severe adrenaline rush from this episode. THE LOOK OF MURDER IN VINCENZO'S EYES GAVE ME SO MUCH SATISFACTION! HATS OFF TO SONG JOON-KI FOR PORTRAYING THIS CHARACTER SO AMAZINGLY! I never could have imagined myself being so invested. Now that he is standing in front of them, I hope he shows them what actually he is capable of! GO VINCENZO!!! I don't think I will be able to survive 2 weeks on this cliffhanger but I will! Fighting everyone! 💪

Does anyone know what style of fighting he uses?
It doesnt look like ‘traditional’ martial arts, and looks alot like the style Bane uses in Batman Dark Knight Rises.
Its ruthless, quick and looks relatively efficient on movement.

I too have been wondering. SJK’s brand of action uses minimum movement but highly efficient and ruthless.

I did not just cry like a bigass baby this episode. Nope. grabs box of tissues Not at all. Definitely not. My heart is stone. grabs second box of tissues. Completely heart of stone.

I genuinely, literally can't imagine another actor bringing the role of Vincenzo to life. Song Joongki is literally made for this role, custom tailored for him. No one can ever embodies Vincenzo this well and I'm so glad that he accepted this role. Still remember in one of the "Role that you think suits other actors better" threads, someone said how they want someone manlier to be Vincenzo because Song Joongki is too pretty. There's tons of actors with manly vibes for me but no one, I repeat, no one will be able to play Vincenzo as well as Song Joongki does. There's just something about him that draws people in, that mesmerized you. His face and expressions especially, just brings the hauntingly beautiful vibe to life. How it's such a contrast between his cool, expresionless face and his furious and apathetic eyes. I could literally go on and on about how Song Joongki does so well as Vincenzo. Really cemented his position as one of the top Korean actors for me, leagues above the rest. He's just so good.

I agree. In fact, those who say he is too pretty for the role, I would argue that is one of the things that works for this role. Vincenzo spent his life being underestimated as a weak Asian kid in Italy to rise to the position he had and when he comes to Korea, most people dont take him very seriously since he doesn’t /look/ the part of a cold-blooded murderer. His enemies forgot that for a minute when they did what they did.

Thank you for expressing what i feel. I have run out of superlatives for SJK. He has blown my mind away and captured my heart ❤️

Damn, vinnys eyes were something else today. A mixture of pain and rage. Stone cold as someone here put it, no soul in them, almost lifeless and then he gets teary eyed. An incredible performance by sjk

To all the director and scripwriter of Vincenzo.a million Around of applause to all of you... Episode 16 was a remarkable episode of Vincenzo aside of kissing scene (episode 14).. Because episode 16 was the night that the true devil mafia has come...only 4 episodes remaining but hopefully, we have a season 2. I dont like to end such a very beautiful black comedy drama.. This drama is such a masterpiece. All character are absolutely best..even the pigeon becomes hero.. Can we give all of them the plaque and trophe for doing their job the best of the best...?

From comical balloon model Vinvenzo to blood thirsty Vincenzo. Damn, pure 180 degree turn.
And now we have to wait two weeks for the next episode...

The last few minutes were just EPIC. SJK’s acting is SO good... I even felt chills when he was punching the crap out of that guy after entering his house. Myunghee’s reaction when all that blood splattered all over her... man they better live up to this build-up at the start of Episode 17! I cant believe there are only 4 episodes left!!!

This episode cemented SJK as my favorite Korean actor. Hands down. The range this man shows is just at another level.

that modeling scene that vincenzo "reluctantly" did for bye bye balloon got me in tears -- especially when he bit the brochure LOOL
in other news, the scene between vincenzo + his mom was very heartwarming and the emotions were so beautifully portrayed. both parties knew who each other were, spoke with the intention to pass on messages without actually saying who they are...vincenzo's crying hit all the right feels ;__;
and then babel's AUDACITY to touch his mom!!!! stone cold vincenzo getting ready to fck em up is the best (and such a contrast from flower boy vincenzo in the last episode). song joong ki never disappoints!!

Oh my godddddjkshjhjkjjjjkjkjhh......The last ten minutes and myung here's petrified face.........Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

The last 10 mins were so effing awesome. I was screaming murder the whole time (and so was V). SJK's acting range omg!!!! His stoic face when he confronted the hitman to the little tiny breakdown he had when he reached the hospital after the whole thing happened, to his I-don't-want-to-model-but-look-how-well-I-do-it acting, and his and his mom's scene with the silent crying, and him laughing and having fun with the other tenants at the little get together. Such versatilty.

I called it, the second that gas check lady opened her mouth I knew she was up to something because that was such a random thing to add into the episode - my brain is amazing.
Also anyone else cried a river during the scene between Vincenzo and his mum? MY GOD THE ACTING IS IMMACULATE.
We have 4 episodes left, my theory is that in the next two episodes he's still going to keep them on their toes (Jang Han-seok and Choi Myung-hee) and then episode 19 he's going to kill her and episode 20 would end with the death of Jang Han-seok.
But for some reason I feel like there's going to be another season because we still haven't properly gone through the storyline of what's going to happen with the gold in the basement and the flash drive.
Lastly, SJK is THAT actor. He really gave his all in the last two episodes and it paid of well, knowing that I have to wait till next weekend I can finally start my work since I've been non-stop binging on k-dramas.

Fuck m shaking rn... that rage in vicenzo's eyes god I felt it to my bones... this show is brilliant. somehow we had this feeling that his mom will die and then all hell would loose but wasn't ready for it. god myng hee needs to die. she is straight up eveil. that bitch omg fuck hIave never hated a character like hate her

SJK’s range of acting got me shook omg from softboi tae ho to shaman to mafia boss level omg sjk ily

I want him to Zippo her fingers in two weeks’ time.

The true gut punch is Vincenzo's falling to his knees by the hospital bed, with the crumbled photograph nearby. It's always a moment for slow motion (hello, Itaewon Class) but more powerful here because you can feel it rather than hear it when his knees hit the floor.

It’s not Vincenzo if it’s not Song Joong Ki.
Those eyes deserve it’s own award. Wow. What a satisfying ending, this one never failed to give us solid endings. Can’t imagine how painful will it be waiting for two weeks.

"Who the hell are you?" I think the correct answer to that question is: The Angel of Death.

Oofff loved this episode, Song Joong Ki CRUSHED it.
Hot air balloon model, check. Dutiful loving son, check. All out batshit terrifying John Wick mode mafioso, CHECK.

This drama is a masterpiece!

This show makes me giddy-squeal with how good it!
Some of the best TV I’ve ever watched.

Sjk’s acting skills really is amazing like sm talent, never really watched any other shows with him in it but im deffo going to after this. This episode was gold, the emotions of rage and pure coldness in his eyes when clipping the guys nails off even scared me a bit😂 ms choi needs to die imo she’s the real villain of the show, han seo is such a sweetheart i really hope he has a happy ending🥺,tbh idrc bout the other lawyer forgot his name🤣.

Honestly, after that episode last night, I need a two-week break to recover. It has been A LOT. So, now I am good.

This episode made me feel like riding a rollercoaster ride! Comedy, action, drama, and suspense all in one episode! Amazing how they were able to do that. As usual, it was a cliffhanger episode. Will Vincenzo kill the villains already on episode 17? I think he will just torture them first and make them feel how it is like in hell, and probably be sentenced to life imprisonment? It just keeps getting better and better! The storyline is just unpredictable.

This is the first K-drama I have watched where I MUST back up and re-watch the fight scenes. So well done, intense, and to the point. I hate it when a show adds a fight scene that doesn't add to the story. Not so here. I have only seen about 15 shows - can't think of any other show that does a fight scene so well.
I hope hope hope Jang Han Seo goes positively postal on his brother - I think the actor here has done a fabulous job of portraying the oppressed younger brother. Really good "deer in the headlights" aura.
Finally, my boyfriend is SO INTO this particular show, above all other K-dramas, I had to give him a warning about the week off. Like today - days in advance. I generally have to warn him when a series is about to end to help soften the blow "hon...now don't get upset, but there is no Vincenzo this week AND there are only 20 episodes."

One thing I'd like to say.....Goddamn. I was skeptical when I watched ep 1 and 2 of Vincenzo but damnnit I'm so glad I stayed. AHHHH am so hyped SJK is such a good actor and everyone else too. Damn

This last scene was just masterpiece. Damn I love Vincenzo in full Mafia mode. I hope in next episode he will kill this bitch Myung Hee right away!
Now waiting two weeks will be a such torture!!

The last few minutes was just wow. I had the chills from just the look in SJK’s eyes.

Consistently superb performance by SJK and JYB throughout this entire series. The writing here is strong, especially on character development. Beautiful cinematography - captures the brief soft moments against all of the dark harsh plots.

I will keep replaying the last ten minutes for the next 2 weeks until episode 17 comes out. By far my fave Vincenzo scene!!👩‍🍳💋

what really pushes this drama into “amazing” territory beyond its great writing, amazing cast, interesting plot, and good pacing is its use of tropes. this COULD just be another great kdrama thats slightly foiled with overdone lines and typical scenarios, but the way show manages to use cliche tropes and make fun of itself for doing so makes for good comedy and good writing. like how last episode vincenzo was saved by pigeons, this was obviously ridiculous and a bit unusual for vincenzos writing but show immediately follows up with vincenzo ridiculing the idea for us. we also had a typical kdrama betrayal that blindsided us, and the wusang lawyers immediately address how kdrama esque this situation was. weve seen it in previous episodes and we will keep seeing it, but i just wanted to point out how incredibly well thought out the writing for this drama really is. go vincenzo team !!!

This whole episode was phenomenal. What should I do for two weeks huh? Y’all, please tell me.

TWO WEEKS OFFFF!!!! omg Im gonna die, guess its time to do a full rewatch to keep me busy!

I’m just screaming at SJK’s acting!!! He is amazing.

Go OFF V. Absolute banger of an episode.

This is the best episode so far. Best cliffhanger of the series so far. Damn, its really making me wonder again what if Vicenzo just stick with the tone of the prologue. Its really good when its serious like this, and not jumping from comedy to serious all the time. Props too Song Joong Ki's acting this episode too, it was really top notch.

Guys episode 16 of Vincenzo is insane it left me in tears and I need to share what I thought of it, omg I have never seen him that extremely mad why do we have to wait until 4/24 just for episode 17 i literally can’t wait that long 😩😩😩 Netflix needs to stop playing and post episode 17 already

#VincenzoEp16's the best episode so far. Tears will be shed (seriously!). And this is some of Song Joong-ki's best acting ever. But there's also humor...and lord have mercy...the foreheads! All that and #CornSalad, too.

The last 10 min of THAT episode ... !!! I watched it like 5 times!!! It was SOOOOOO GOOD!

I know, right?!! The acting is superb. This is really the perfect cast and I am so sad there are only four episodes left. But I know they'll be great episodes!

I was literally shaking watching it with how intense it was LOL some seriously good acting by Joongki!

So so so good. Got my mom hooked on it.. can't wait for the next episodes

This is seriously one of the best kdramas I've watched. Each episode has me on the edge of my seat.

This show is WILD. I love the quirkiness of all the characters.

I LOVE this show and eps 16 was crazy.

Agree!!!! I can feel the coldness in Joongki's eyes.

I totally agree. I actually watched the 2nd half again cuz it was so good!! I was an emotional wreck by the end of it

The end. That's the Vincenzo I like.

Kim YeoJin is amazing. This is one of the best episodes. I feel like Song JoongKi is really standing out from his other dramas here.

My fav episode far!!! I've been waiting for the real Vincenzo to show up. Unreal acting, so so good!!!

I literally forgot to breathe. First of all he so hot and ofc the forehead. And he is such a good actor.

that last episode was WILD! Such unbelieveable acting... Song Joon-ki on another level!!!!

I'm obsessed with #VincenzoEp16 ..such great cast!

Agreed. We get Consiglieri Vincenzo back. And wow. All I can say is... vineyards will burn.

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