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스퀘어 Jihyo of TWICE Talks ‘Killin Me Good,’ Solo Identity, and Being Mother
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2023.09.20 15:44
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Jihyo, leader of the iconic K-pop girl group TWICE, isn’t exactly sure what “mother” means. 

In the Internet sense, it’s slang for “a woman who's iconic and constantly serves,” according to Urban Dictionary, and is rooted in the Black and Latinx LGBTQIA+ ballroom community. Calling someone “mother” is shorthand for boss, badass, untouchable queen. 

“Umma?” Jihyo echoes and translates the nickname foreign fans call her, while looking amusedly at her translator in a dressing room. “I honestly didn’t know that. I’m only finding out the meaning of it now.”

The 26-year-old Korean popstar silently mouths an “ah!” as she leans back in her seat for a quick second; she suddenly remembers seeing the word often in the comments of her viral fancams on YouTube and TikTok (see “Fancy”, “More & More” and “Alcohol Free” fancams) and Instagram posts online. “As you mentioned and explained it to me, I think it’s very funny,” she nods with a light chuckle of approval. “It’s funny that fans call me that and also think about me as that kind of figure.”


Also best known as GodJihyo, or even Mic (for her loud voice), the K-pop idol’s roster of nicknames are like collectible badges that tell the story of her 18-year journey in music. (“I love all the names that the fans call me,” she says, even “Hyomas,” an old school nickname for her ability to imitate Thomas the Tank Engine.) These names capture the career moves that have shaped her life thus far: entering JYP Entertainment at the age of eight, training for 10 rigorous years, competing on a reality survival competition show, SIXTEEN, that would finally debut her as the leader of K-pop’s historical girl group, TWICE, in 2015. Eight years and countless awards and sold out tours later, she’s completing the physical promotional run of her first ever solo album with this interview and a fan signing event to follow. 

Titled ZONE — a mash-up of Zyo (a condensed version of saying Jihyo) and one — the album has the singer ditching the upbeat and glamorous route of her usual girl group idol image and inviting followers into her sophisticated artistry as a soloist. The seven-track EP is a re-introduction to Jihyo, the songwriter and composer, on top of being K-pop’s ace that can sing, dance, rap and be the center of attention. 

“The main goal that I had regarding songs, or even when going on variety shows was that, I wanted to show my true self — like, my true self to everyone,” she explains, hovering her hand over her chest to emphasize on the real her. “I didn’t want to sing songs that needed too much acting or that had too strong of a concept.” Future projects may explore higher level concepts, and there’s a possibility her TWICE members could make an appearance — with a caveat. “If the members were to feature in my music video or in any way in that album, I think they would naturally get absorbed into the concept. But because we’re also busy superstars, I’m kind of hesitant if they would be able to feature in the first place,” she jokes with a smile. 

But Jihyo has always been like this. The type to devote herself and every single drop of blood, sweat and tears into her work once defined. She says being in control of her first project made her realize what kind of artist she is and the different aspects of her fans like the most. Although she doesn’t say it, she’s quite the perfectionist. But she admits to stressful episodes and being her own worst critic as well. “I had a hard time just preparing for this album because it can always be my first or even last album,” she says as her stare lingers on the table in front of her. “I wanted to really give my all and that was the main part that kind of stressed me out. [...] When there are any kind of errors, or if the mistake was caused by myself, I really criticize and become quite harsh on myself. That’s why I really wanted to work harder on this album.”


Just like TWICE’s eldest Nayeon, who made her solo debut last year and even gave her some advice for her solo promos, Jihyo often gets called out for being the most competitive member. However, when it comes to her own music, she lets her guard down. 

“I’m quite a competitive person, but that’s when it comes to hanging out and playing games with friends,” the singer smiles slightly. “When it comes to work, I don’t really want to compare myself to others because, though I can be competitive, I wanted to concentrate on how hard I can work on this album by myself.” 

After all, the last 18 years of her career has been filled with praises, compliments, judgements, criticism, and comparisons as she also witnessed other trainees debut before and after her. But through it all, she continued to keep her head high and push through. That’s why she’s earned the moniker, “idol’s idol” — often looked up to and admired, not just by fans, but by her colleagues. 

In August, she received her first win on KBS’ Music Bank for “Killin’ Me Good.” Her peers and junior artists gathered around her and celebrated; she’s the kind of person you can’t help but root for. Jihyo herself was still in surprise mode, ready to applaud for the act going up against her until reality settled in and confetti fell all around. Labelmates IT ZY approached her from behind with a bouquet of flowers and congratulatory hoots and hollers, while Ye rin, another girl group member-turned-soloist, jumped for joy, giving her a back hug to celebrate. 

Jihyo’s winning speech highlighted how she gave up thoughts on winning in order to prioritize creating the best album she possibly could. And she did. All while becoming the second female soloist to debut on the Billboard 200 chart at no. 14 and being the first female soloist to sell half-million copies of her album on South Korea’s Hanteo chart. 

“I was competing with myself,” Jihyo says. “So as promotions and everything comes to an end, I’m feeling quite refreshed. And because it’s finally finished, I’m very satisfied with how hard I worked on the album. So, competitive wise? I don’t really have that thought anymore.” 

As for regrets? There are absolutely none. “Because I gave it my all and did my best … I don’t have any regrets about anything.” 

As the call begins to wrap up, we both remember TWICE’s Ready To Be press day on top of the Empire State Building back in March, where the group chatted about the status of their musical careers after lighting up the New York landmark in their signature apricot and neon magenta colors. Jihyo’s leader cap was on then, but she was unable to answer my last question. And so I bring it up again, “If you were in my position, what would you ask yourself?” “Gah!” she immediately expresses with a smile, acting as if I found her out. She outlines her chin with her pointer finger and thumb to think. She leans into the silence, figuring out what to say. 

Finally, Jihyo responds. “How passionate are you with the work that you’re doing?” The question is deceptively simple, but it says a lot about who Jihyo is and what she values: honesty, sincerity and humility. 

She answers her own question. “I really enjoy the work that I do being on stage and communicating with fans,” she begins to explain, nodding as she shifts her stare downward. “I chose the power of music because I am able to express various feelings through my own music. And if people can also agree to that, then I think I’m doing a great job and I’m proving that I’m passionate about the work that I’m doing.” It’s very Mother of her to say.


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