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스퀘어 TWICE talks record-breaking US tour, embracing change and an even 'more ambitious' future
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2023.07.15 13:31
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TWICE talks record-breaking US tour, embracing change and an even 'more ambitious' future

READY TO BE tour made TWICE 'happy' and 'honored'

"We’re very honored," said the group's leader Jihyo.

"I am very amazed and very honored that fans globally can recognize us," said Tzuyu. "They come to see us and love our songs."

New performances bring excitement on tour

This time around, the group wanted to try new things, said Dahyun. "We have a live band for the first time. We have our solos for the first time when we’re very used to doing things in units," she said.

"ONCE completes all our stages and performances," said Dahyun. "Because ONCE is so good at responding and cheering, we are able to also enjoy the stages. Even though the lyrics are in Korean, foreign ONCE sing along to the songs so we are very happy and excited on stage."

Growing since debut days

"As we become the older generation of K-pop girl group, we are able to perform in bigger and bigger stadiums," said Jeongyeon. "From that, we are able to recognize and see how much we have grown."

Their sound has also changed, said Jihyo, moving beyond the "bright songs" of their debut. "Ever since debut, we’ve been trying many different genres. We are able to prepare a lot of different performances and stages. We can be touching. We can be very cool. We can be cute. We can do a lot of these things."

"Nowadays, we are able to participate more in discussing about the concerts, albums, even writing our own songs and even the concepts about outfits, hair and makeup," said Dahyun.

Particularly in their performances, the members have further come into their own. "Since this is already our ninth year of being active as a girl group, I am able to have more fun on stage. I’m not as nervous anymore or anxious," said Tzuyu.

"In the beginning when we had our first concert, we were more nervous," said Momo. "These days, we are able to move more freely out and show the fans even more."

Mina and Sana shared similar sentiments on how preparation for performances has become smoother and more in sync over time. "Even though we don’t do as many run-throughs on our choreography practices, we are able to catch up and still have the details very fitting to each other," said Sana.

This has led a sense of joy for TWICE – a feeling of loving what they do. "As we continue to be active as a girl group, I am still able to stay very grateful and humble," said Chaeyoung.

This humble mentality resonates throughout TWICE as each member has a strong devotion to one another and ONCE in order to keep growing together.

"As we continue to have more experiences, I feel that responsibility on my shoulders," said Nayeon. "I feel more ambitious."

Understanding TWICE 'at heart'

"We’re singers, not just people who do cute songs," said Jihyo. "As we went on, we were able to find more of ourselves and our identity more smoothly. 

The group's most recent single "SET ME FREE" best exemplifies where TWICE is in their careers, said Dahyun.

"I feel that it’s a song that really talks about us right now in this stage where we feel like we’re not decorating ourselves or pretending to be someone else," she explained. "As time goes by, ONCE is really able to see TWICE just as we are." 

TWICE has a deep love for ONCE

"When I hear that ONCE felt very comforted and very encouraged, I feel very proud," said Nayeon. "We get so much energy from ONCE."

For the members, ONCE holds a special place in their hearts as they have spent almost a decade together. "When ONCE says, 'TWICE was in my youth days,' I feel very happy and satisfied," said Jeongyeon.

What's next for TWICE?

"Recently, we’ve been doing more unit activities and solos," said Mina. "I want to keep making those memories and activities with ONCE from here and on."

"In the future, I want to go to places, countries I’ve never been to," said Momo.

When it comes to their music, TWICE will continue to expand and try new things. "Anything we haven’t done before, we’re willing to try and we want to try," said Nayeon.

"We have so many things we want to show," said Chaeyoung. "We will do our best, so please look forward to everything we have."

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