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이슈 15분 운동으로 살을 빼보자
8,422 338
2017.04.13 08:27
8,422 338

This Great 15-Minute Workout Will Make Your Whole Body Well-Shaped and Super-Strong

영어지만 그림만 봐도 알 수 있음

Some ground rules 기본 룰

1. Before doing any of these exercises, prepare your body with a five-minute warm up. Do some squats, arm circles, butt kicks, torso and neck rotations, and stretch your knees.

운동 시작 전 5분간 준비운동을 할 것 - 스쿼트, 팔돌리기, 뒤로 발차기, 몸통과 목 돌리기, 무릎 스트레치

2. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Perform the exercises one after another, and rest only when necessary. Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

15분으로 타이머를 맞춰놓고 쉬지 않고 연달아 할 것. 15분을 채우기 위해 계속 반복할 것

3. Repeat this workout three times per week on non-consecutive days. Try to increase the number of reps you do during each session.

1주일에 3번 하루 건너 하루씩 하고 반복 횟수를 늘리도록 할 것

4. After three weeks of successfully following the workout regime, increase the length of your workout to 20 minutes.

3주 간 했으면 시간을 20분으로 늘릴 것

Explosive Sumo Squat

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out. Pull your hips back and push your knees out to lower into a squat. Tighten your glutes. Jump up and softly land. Repeat 12 times. 12번 반복


Start in the push-up position. Your legs, back and neck should make a straight line. Your legs and abs should be tightened. Lower your body by bending your elbows. Push back up and tap your shoulder with the opposite hand. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other hand. Repeat 12 times.12번 반복

Power Thrusts

Start in the plank position. Your legs, back and neck make a straight line. Your legs and abs should be tightened. Move your feet up to your palms in a jumping motion. Then jump up explosively, raising your fingertips to the sky. Return to the crouching position and jump back with your feet to land in the push-up position. Repeat 12 times.12번 반복

Plank Pike

Start in a low plank with your elbows on the ground directly under your shoulders. Pull your left knee up towards your left elbow. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your right knee. Do 12 repetitions.12번 반복


Lower yourself into a quarter squat, and then explosively jump up and over to your right. Land softly and repeat the same motion to the left. Do 12 repetitions.12번 반복

Single-Arm Iso Hold

Start in the standard plank position. Your legs, back and neck should form a straight line. Your legs and abs should be tightened. Extend your right arm out parallel to the floor, moving your right leg out to the side at the same time. Return to the starting position and repeat using your left arm and leg. Perform the exercise three times for each side. 양쪽을 3번씩 할 것

Tuck Jump

Stand with your heels shoulder-width apart, your knees a little bent, and your arms in front of your chest. Jump up and tuck your knees as close to your chest as possible. Land softly. Repeat 12 times.12번 반복

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