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이슈 [MLB] 메이저리그 City Connect 유니폼 파워랭킹
5,112 6
2024.06.15 10:00
5,112 6


1. Miami Marlins

MIAMI, FLORIDA - MAY 18: Jazz Chisholm Jr. #2 of the Miami Marlins looks on during a game against the New York Mets at loanDepot park on May 18, 2024 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Rich Storry/Getty Images)

2. Washington Nationals

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 07: CJ Abrams #5 of the Washington Nationals at bat against the Baltimore Orioles during the seventh inning at Nationals Park on May 7, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)

3. Colorado Rockies

DENVER, COLORADO - MAY 11: Charlie Blackmon #19 of the Colorado Rockies advances to third base after a double and fielding error in the seventh inning against the Texas Rangers at Coors Field on May 11, 2024 in Denver, Colorado. (Photo by Dustin Bradford/Getty Images)

4. Los Angeles Angels

ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - JULY 01:  Mike Trout #27 of the Los Angeles Angels at Angel Stadium of Anaheim on July 01, 2023 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

5. Arizona Diamondbacks

PHOENIX, ARIZONA - APRIL 16: Ketel Marte #4 of the Arizona Diamondbacks catches a throw from home while covering second base against the Chicago Cubs at Chase Field on April 16, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo by Norm Hall/Getty Images)

6. Chicago White Sox

CHICAGO, IL - AUGUST 08: Chicago White Sox center fielder Luis Robert Jr. (88) looks on after hitting a home run during a Major League Baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox on August 8, 2023 at Guaranteed Rate Field in Chicago, IL. (Photo by Melissa Tamez/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

7. Cleveland Guardians

CLEVELAND, OHIO - MAY 22: Austin Hedges #27, Andrés Giménez #0, and Tyler Freeman #2 of the Cleveland Guardians celebrate after all scored on a homer by Giménez during the sixth inning against the New York Mets at Progressive Field on May 22, 2024 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

8. Atlanta Braves

ATLANTA, GA - APRIL 20: Atlanta Braves first base Matt Olson (28) during the MLB game between the Texas Rangers and the Atlanta Braves on April 20, 2024 at Truist Park in Atlanta, Georgia (Photo by John Adams/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

9. Seattle Mariners

SEATTLE, WA - APRIL 12: Centerfielder Julio Rodriguez #44 of the Seattle Mariners jogs off the field during a game against the Chicago Cubs at T-Mobile Park on April 12, 2024 in Seattle, Washington. The Mariners won 4-2. (Photo by Stephen Brashear/Getty Images)

10. Houston Astros

HOUSTON, TEXAS - MAY 20: Jose Altuve #27 of the Houston Astros celebrates after scoring a three-run home run in the second inning against the Los Angeles Angels at Minute Maid Park on May 20, 2024 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Logan Riely/Getty Images)


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