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이슈 윤하 노래중 영어가사인 노래 2곡
5,983 4
2024.04.22 00:51
5,983 4

My Song and...(2집 수록곡 3집 파트a에 한국어버전도 수록됨)


I made a song for you my friend
I made a song that I will sing for you
Filling my life with many beautiful lights
And a thousand melodies
You're my paradise
I made a song for you my dream
I made a song that I was sing for you my friend
Falling in love with every part of your life
Until the end of time
I love you more than my life
I wanna know you more
when you call me an angel
when you closely look into my eyes
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna give you more than words ever say
Cause I believe in you
And my song will fill the air when we're apart
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna let my words be true till the end of time
Cause I believe you'll never forget
And I won't forget
This song in my heart (This song in my heart)

Every time when I was down
You always came a round
and your love of all light up my life
I am gonna sing forever
I am gonna sing forever
Close your eyes
I wanna give you more than words can ever say
Cause I believe in you
And my song will fill the air when we're apart
Even though my love for you may fade away
I wanna let my words be true till the end of time
Cause I believe you'll never forget
And I won't forget this song in my heart
I wanna sing for you my friend
I wanna sing for you with all my heart
I wanna sing for you my dream
I wanna sing for you my


RescuE(정규 5집 1번트랙)


I lost my aim to find another reason
A long way to come
It was hard to find way back
Have courage be kind
I wish that I did
No praying to be blessed
Only I can save myself
That's the courage to step forward
The way you are
I wish it rescues all
Never hide away
Even if that lie to you but that's alright
It is never betray
Depends on how hard try yourselves
Why can't you see the ways repeat the same
Ceaseless streams of search to find
And that's the way of touch the way we are
You don't have to try to be a shining sun
The most beautiful thing is the moon
Reflecting the light
Someone said be strong you
Must be something
Be sharp to high falsehood with nothing
That's not belief
You had inside already you have
I wish we rescue all
Never hide away
Even if that lie to you
But that's alright
It is never betray
Depends on how hard try yourselves
Why can't you see the ways repeat the same
Ceaseless streams of search to find
And that's the way of touch the way we are

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