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이슈 Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape (2006)
5,821 1
2024.04.17 16:06
5,821 1



Paper bags and plastic hearts

All our belongings in shopping carts

It's goodbye, but we got one more night

Let's get drunk and ride around

And make peace with an empty town

We can make it right


Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

And we won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway

Watch it burn, let it die

'Cause we are finally free tonight


Tonight will change our lives

It's so good to be by your side

We'll cry, but we won't give up the fight

We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs

And they'll think it's just 'cause we're young

But we'll feel so alive


Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

And we won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway

Watch it burn, let it die

'Cause we are finally free tonight


All of the wasted time

The hours that were left behind

The answers that we'll never find

They don't mean a thing tonight


Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

We won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway


Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

And we won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway


Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

And we won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway

Watch it burn, let it die

'Cause we are finally free tonight


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