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이슈 어느 유튜버의 복부 운동 3주간 변화 (초보를 위한 운동 X)
103,533 1291
2022.08.07 13:12
103,533 1291


당연히 식단도 챙겼을 거고 다른 운동도 했는지 모르겠지만 변화가 보이는 게 신기하고 자극 옴
당연히 몸에 무리가 오는 동작도 있을 수 있으니까 초보자들은 걱정되면 전문가와 상담 추천쓰

이건 누가 댓글에 운동 정리해둔 거

Day 1:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 50 russian twists [x3]
3. 30 side crunches [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 2:

1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 side crunches [x3]
3. 50 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 3:

1. 30 reverse crunches [x3]
2. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
3. 30 russian twist variations [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 4:
1. 30 reverse crunches [x3]
2. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
3. 50 russian twist variations [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 5:
1. 30 knees side to side [x3]
2. 30 alternating toe touches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 flutter kicks [x3]
5. 30 cross-body mountain climber planks [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]

(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 6:
1. 30 side crunches [x3]
2. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
3. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
4. 15 knee touch crunches [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 7:

1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 russian twists [x3]
3. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
4. 30 elbow to knee crunches [x3]
5. 30 heel touches [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 8:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 shoulder taps [x3]
5. 30 low impact plank jacks [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 9:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 shoulder taps [x3]
5. 30 low impact plank jacks [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 10:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
3. 30 side crunches [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
6. 30 - 60 sec plank [x1]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 11:
1. 30 knees side to side [x3]
2. 30 alternating toe touches [x3]
3. 30 flutter kicks [x3]
4. 30 russian twists [x3]
5. 30 cross-body mountain climber planks [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 12:
1. 30 side crunches [x3]
2. 30 heel touches [x3]
3. 30 pilates hundreds [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 13:

1. 30 side crunches [x3]
2. 30 heel touches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 14:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 heel touches [x3]
5. 30 alternating leg drops [x3]
6. 30 cross-body mountain climber planks [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 15:
1. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
2. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
3. 30 alternating toe touches [x3]
4. 30 russian twists [x3]
5. 30 side crunches [x3]
6. 30 leg raise crunch claps [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 16:
1. 30 leg extensions [x3]
2. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
3. 30 flutter kicks open + close [x3]
4. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
5. 30 toe touches [x3]
6. 30 heel touches [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 17:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 reverse crunches + leg extensions [x3]
3. 30 alternating leg drops [x3]
4. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
5. 30 cross-body mountain climber planks [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 18:
1. 30 side crunches [x3]
2. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
3. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
4. 30 alternating leg drops [x3]
5. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
6. 45 - 60 sec plank [x1]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 19:
1. 30 crunch claps [x3]
2. 30 russian twists [x3]
3. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
4. 30 reverse crunches + leg extensions [x3]
5. 30 alternating leg drops [x3]
6. 30 heel touches [x3]

(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 20:

1. 30 crunch claps [x3]
2. 30 russian twists [x3]
3. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
4. 30 alternating leg drops [x3]
5. 30 side crunches [x3]
6. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)

Day 21:
1. 30 crunch kicks [x3]
2. 30 bicycle crunches [x3]
3. 30 russian twists [x3]
4. 30 scissor kicks [x3]
5. 30 plank hip dips [x3]
6. 30 spiderman planks [x3]
(Keep in for 15 seconds)
목록 스크랩 (847)
댓글 1291
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