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이슈 공부할 맛 날 것 같은 영국 유명 대학들의 도서관
2,335 19
2016.04.05 08:06
2,335 19

The Codrington Library

The Codrington Library was completed in 1851 and features white marble statues that contrast with rows of dark bookcases. It contains&nbsp185,000 items, a third of which were created prior to 1800

Located in Manchester, John Rylands Library is a striking gothic library that opened on 1 January 1900. Pictured is the Reading Room which features stained-glass windows

When the John Rylands Library&nbspopened in 1900 it housed 70,000 books. By 2012 it had over 250,000 printed volumes and more than one million manuscripts and archival items in its stunning surroundings

One of the oldest libraries at the heart of Oxford's historic University is&nbspDuke Humfrey's Library in the Bodleian, which held the primary function as a reading room for maps, music and pre-1641 rare books until 2015

Breathtaking surroundings: Now Duke Humfrey's Library, which features panels on its ceiling painted with the university's coat of arms, is an additional reading room for all users of the Bodleian library

A view of the foyer of the new annexe of Liverpool Central Library. Over four millions items, including 15,000 rare books, are now housed in the library

From the old to the new: Liverpool Central Library also includes the delightful Picton Reading Room, which is a grade II listed building that boasts the accolade of being the first electrically lit library in the UK

A winter skyline in Oxford and snow covers the round Radcliffe Camera building which was built in a neo-classical style and houses the Radcliffe Science Library

The Radcliffe Camera is the earliest example in England of a circular library. Its stunning&nbspstructure was seen in the 2008 film The Golden Compass, and has also been featured in the TV shows Inspector Morse, Inspector Lewis and Endeavour

The King's Library. within the British Library, is a glass tower full of thousands of rare books, including tomes belonging to King George III

The British Library receives a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland.&nbspTo house it, a great deal of shelving is needed - 388 miles altogether - with several miles added each year

The Reading Room in the British Museum is nestled at the heart of the museum in the centre of the Great Court and was completed in 1857

Between  May 8¿16 of its opening year, over 62,000 visitors came to marvel at the new Reading Room. After being used as an exhibition space from 2007 until 2013, the British Museum is now consulting about the future use of the spectacular space

Manchester Central Library in St Peter's Square was built in 1934 and is often compared to Emperor Hadrian's Pantheon in Rome due to its round design

The main Reading Room of the Manchester Central Library has enough seats for 300 students and is lit from&nbspnatural light from a glass central dome and Art Deco style lights

cin Manchester was established in 1653 and is the oldest free public reference library in the UK

It is no surprise that The Wren Library at Trinity College in Cambridge is one of the most magnificent, as it was designed by Christopher Wren, who was also responsible for St Paul's Cathedral. It was completed in 1695 and contains many notable rare books and texts including&nbspA. A. Milne's manuscript of Winnie the Pooh

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