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이슈 전세계에서 섹시 컨셉으로 100년전 발행된 엽서들
2,989 3
2016.04.01 00:44
2,989 3

A cool collection: Flickr user PostMan collected postcards like this one (an unknown lady in 1909) in the 1900s and 1910s

Country to country: The pictures, like this one of Japanese woman taken around 1920, show how beauty standards have always differed around the world

Flashback: English actress Gertrude 'Gertie' Millar, later the Countess of Dudley, is pictured around 1919 in a long, pristine dress and big hat

Differences: A Filipino woman is pictured circa 1909 in a loose blouse with a fan and long tousled hair

All about the bling: This Nepaly lady, pictured circa 1905, set herself apart from women from other countries with her bold, layered jewelry and septum ring

Eastern beauty: The collector labeled this woman as a geisha in 1909

Eastern beauty: The collector labeled this woman as a Japanese lady in 1913

Vintage: Miss Maude Fealy (pictured in 1908), an American actress, typified &nbspthe look and style of women in the US at that time with her curled hair and ladylike parasol

Worldwide style: A Cambodian woman pictured circa 1906 poses barefoot with an ill-fitting skirt and strapless top

Traditional: A postcard from the Elz Valley in Germany circa 1920 shows girls in traditional dress

Olé!&nbspCarolina 'La Belle?' Ot&eacutero, a Spanish-born dancer and actress, is pictured around 1907

A bit revealing: A woman with quite a low-cut dress, which has been colorized, is pictured circa 1913

Tough is beautiful! This Vietnamese woman, in a postcard from around 1908, is pictured with a sword

Middle East: The collector noted that this image of a Beduin with a long head scarf was taken circa 1919

Varying attitudes: This 1907 postcard, which features two girls from Manila, demonstrates the different attitudes about nudity held around the world

A hint of skin: Whereas this photo ¿ taken somewhere in the west around 1920 ¿ was labeled as erotica

Too sexy: Several photos of women showing off just their legs, like this 1919 one, were labeled as erotica

Ooh la la! The top of the thigh, peeking out from above stockings, was considered very risqué

Suggestive: This vintage erotica postcard from 1919 just falls short of revealing too much

Bodies: The photos, like this one from 1913, show how much beauty standards and body ideals have changed, spotlighting models that are a big bigger than those used today

Short and sassy: Many of the pictures, like this one from 1920, also show how western women of the time preferred short hair

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