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2016.01.01 03:05
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Fire rips through Dubai hotel close to where the city is about to hold New Year celebrations

  • The Address Downtown is currently on fire in the Middle Eastern city
  •  The flames appear to run up at least 20 storeys of the exclusive hotel


PUBLISHED: 17:56 GMT, 31 December 2015 UPDATED: 18:00 GMT, 31 December 2015

A fire has engulfed a Dubai hotel close to where the city is about to hold its New Year celebrations.

The Address Dubai Marina is understood to be on fire, with the flames reaching from the ground floor to the top.

It was not immediately clear what caused the fire at the five star hotel, which ran up at least 20 stories of the building near the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest skyscraper. 

A fire has caught hold of a hotel in Dubai, just moments from where the city was about to celebrate the New Year

A fire has caught hold of a hotel in Dubai, just moments from where the city was about to celebrate the New Year

The hotel chain has retweeted another message, which says: 'A fire has been reported in the Address Downtown hotel. Authorities are currently on-site to address the incident swiftly and safely #Dubai'

Burning debris rained down from the building as firetrucks raced to the scene. It was not immediately clear if anyone was wounded in the blaze. 

The hotel is just moments from where the city was about to celebrate the start of 2016.  


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3380507/Fire-rips-Dubai-hotel-close-city-hold-New-Year-celebrations.html#ixzz3vvHB9d99 
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