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이슈 영국 온라인 뉴스 사이트에 올라온 북한의 일상 사진들
3,093 16
2015.11.25 02:56
3,093 16

A photographer who was granted access to many cities across North Korea has revealed the fascinating lives of the ordinary residents of the cut-off country, pictured residents on a packed bus with one woman forlornly looking out of the window

A wedding ceremony takes place with the bride in traditional dress, centre, and the groom wearing a posy of flowers with his smart suit

A group of children are part of National Day in August in the capital, Pyongyang. The young girl is wearing the same traditional-style dress as adult women at the mass dance and the boys were American-style baseball caps with English slogans including 'Boy'

Parents celebrate on National Day that marks the country's independence with barbecues in the park while children run around

A smiling military police woman wears an olive-brown high-necked suit and hat with yellow lapels which mark her as part of the police unit, Christian found nearly everyone is a soldier and wore uniform

A propaganda mosaic portrays the father of North Korea Kim Jong Il and armed citizens standing in front of the skyline with the North Korean flag held aloft while passers-by go about their business

Children wearing white shirts and red scarves around their necks are snapped learning English from a &nbsptape, they all shouted the sentence they were learning at that moment: 'English is very interesting'

A mother takes her daughter's picture with her friend on a smartphone, which is redundant without internet but is a status symbol in the country and people often use covers to draw attention to their phones

A group of men and women dance as part of National Day. The women wear brightly coloured patterned dresses in long styles made from flowing fabric and  tied beneath the bust, with their hair tied back their attire is a far cry from the usual more drab outfits seen on the streets

The dancing continues on the street with a traditional folk dance between partners with the men sporting red ties, the colour of the flag

Young children join in the dancing with a Conga line

Lines of people dance in the street while all shops, restaurants, banks and government buildings are closed for the day

A woman wears the tradition dress with a rose-covered gown and others carry flags in the background in a show of patriotic pride

A cyclist passes by a propaganda sign on his mobile phone , with soldiers depicted bearing arms

A metro dispatcher readies a train for departure at Puhang Station in Pyongyang, even the metro staff wear military-style uniforms

A family take a straight-faced photograph in front of a small lake and waterfall, with the digital camera capturing their image

Women shield themselves from the heat even while on public transport in this candid shot taken while the woman appears distracted

A soldier in military-wear looks calm having her photograph taken, Christian was able to picture the soldiers as he was in a tourist group

North Korean women stand in uniform position along the side of a road in downtown Pyongyang to watch a parade, showing off a range of brightly-coloured heels from staid black and beige pumps to strappy blue platforms and yellow stilettos adorned with pom poms

The sun sets over Pyongyang, with the 105-floor Ryugyong hotel clearly visible on the industrial skyline

Boys prepare for a major parade and torch performance in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square, to commemorate the October 10 anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea

Two ajossi (older men, or 'uncles') dressed in typical North Korean fashion sit on a bench in downtown Pyongyang clasping small bunches of flowers

A teacher looks over children at a kindergarten at a cooperative farm near Sinchon with the young children seen wearing modern dress 

An ajumma (Older woman) carries a small bale of hay down a hill on a warm September evening, while a man loads an ox and cart further up

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