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정보 원덬이가 궁금해서 찾아본 미국학교 급식
11,298 53
2020.06.06 14:27
11,298 53

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school lunches on trays

Chefs Move to School Lunch, Savannah-Chatham County Schools, Georgia


This gorgeous fruit display is from Megan Schaper, State College (PA) Area Schools.


Michel Sasso, replenish's food items along the lunch line of the cafeteria at Draper Middle School in Rotterdam, N.Y., Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012. The leaner, greener school lunches served under new federal standards are getting mixed grades from students. (AP Photo/Hans Pennink)


School lunch

School Lunch Ideas: 40 Healthy Kid Lunches to Keep You Inspired

A lunch from Crossett Brook Middle School in Duxbury features whole-grain spaghetti with meat sauce, local apple, salad, broccoli, and a roll.


A school meal from Vergennes Union High School features crispy chicken, Asian noodle salad, honey-glazed carrots, zucchini and a whole grain roll.

At Hardwick Elementary School, a salad bar offers multiple fruits and vegetables.





WCSD Lunch

WCSD Lunch

soup and vegetables



Mozzarella sticks laid out as one of a variety of lunch options for students.  Cafeteria managers are required to serve certain daily specials, though they have the flexibility to offer additional options.

Seminole County Public Schools Fresh Fruits & Veggies

Wing Meal Tray Pic.jpg

Lombard-based Quest Food Management Services Inc. will head breakfast and lunch operations at Barrington High School starting in 2019-20. Barrington students can expect fare such as this freshly prepared roast beef and chicken served recently by Quest chef Kevin Winfield at New Trier High School in Winnetka.


Students from William Finkl Academy in Chicago line up for lunch on May 10, 2016.


Students at Piedmont Elementary in Duluth grab fruits and vegetables for lunch in 2017. Due to an executive order by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, schools must provide meals to students who need them during school closures March 18-27. (2017 file / News Tribune)



Students fill their lunch trays at J.F.K Elementary School in Kingston, New York on Jan. 25, 2017.

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2 POPS Catering - School


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Cobb County School District



Jorge Collazo, right, executive with the New York City Department of Education, talked with other chefs at a test kitchen in Queens about new recipes and products to feed schoolchildren.<br /> 

Fresh fruit awaits students in the dining hall at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, N.J.


School canteen.



Elementary students enjoying their lunch hour


Students eat lunch at Plum High School in suburban Pittsburgh, on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007.  The school district has become the first in the nation to ...

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