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팁/유용/추천 날씬한 허리 라인을 만드는 운동, 허리 통뼈라도 갈비뼈 안 빼도 돼.jpg
29,662 946
2019.06.14 20:01
29,662 946

영어지만 그림만 봐도 됨

1. Corkscrew

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides.
  • Straighten your legs, squeeze them together, and slowly lift them towards your head. Your body and your legs should create about a 45 degree angle. Make sure that your shoulders, arms, and head lie completely flat on the floor. Do not lift them as you lift your legs.
  • Slowly roll back down your spine, leaning your legs slightly to the right until you feel your oblique muscles work. Make sure your legs are squeezed together.
  • Return your legs back in the center, but do not put your legs on the floor.
  • Make the same lean to the left.
  • Continue going from side to side. Complete three sets, each time inhaling slowly and freezing for 2 seconds on each side.


2. Stretching

  • Sit tall on a mat with your back straight. Open your legs a bit wider than your shoulders.
  • Open your arms straight out to your sides.
  • Rotate your shoulders 90 degrees, and try to touch your left foot with your right hand.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat the sequence with your left hand and right foot.
  • Complete 30 leans to each side. Make sure your back is always straight!


3. Weighted twists

  • Use either a dumbbell or a weight plate for this exercise. The weights will help to fix your positions and to balance the training load.
  • Hold the weight with both hands. Sit on your mat, bend the knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Lean back at 45 degrees, and hold your arms straight out in front of your chest.
  • Rotate to the right. Make sure to only rotate your torso.
  • Return to the starting position. Now, rotate to your left as far as you can. When exercising, you can try imagining a wall right behind you that you are to touch with your dumbbell or weight plate.
  • Repeat the twists 30 times for each side.


4. Side bend

  • Sit on one hip with your legs slightly bent to the side.
  • Engaging your thighs and abs muscles, lift your hip away from the mat, and reach your arm overhead, creating a lifted arc in the torso.
  • Very slowly lower the side of your calf to the mat. Count to eight.
  • Complete 15 high arc bends on the right, then complete 15 on the left.


5. Air swimming

  • Lie on your stomach with your thighs pressed together. Put your arms straight forward, and point your feet. Lift your arms, legs, chest, and head up. Hold this position.
  • Alternate lifting right arm/left leg and left arm/right leg without touching the floor.
  • Complete 10 sets of air swimming, each time counting to 20. Rest for about 10 seconds between sets.


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