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스퀘어 퀸 공홈 서울콘 기사 뜸 ✔✔✔
587 3
2020.01.20 12:11
587 3


19th January 2020

The Rhapsody Tour Opens In Seoul In Style

Brian, Roger and Adam proved themselves truly the champions this weekend making their first full concert appearance in Seoul, South Korea at the start of their Rhapsody tour of South Asia and Australia/New Zealand. Two sold out nights at Seoul’s all-seater Gocheok Skydome saw them play to over 50,000 eager fans who rediscovered the band after Bohemian Rhapsody. Korea became the third largest audience worldwide for the film.

The band delivered a spectacular 27 song set each night, which included hits from across their catalogue, plus deeper cuts 'Dragon Attack', ''39' and 'I'm In Love With Car'. 

The normally reserved Korean audience screamed, cried, and lit up the stadium with glow sticks, and customized cell phones torches projecting hearts into the sky. Brian was visibly moved when the full crowd joined him to sing along to 'Love of My Life'. ‘Saranghae’ Brian responded in Korean, which translated means ‘I love you’. The audience roared their approval. All in all, a highly emotional start to the tour. Japan comes next with shows starting in Tokyo this coming weekend. We can expect much more of the same.

(Photo: Emma Donoghue)


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  • 1. 무명의 더쿠 2025-02-01 23:04:46
    삭제된 댓글입니다. (삭제일시: 2025/02/01 23:27:00)
  • 2. 무명의 더쿠 2025-02-01 23:07:00
    삭제된 댓글입니다. (삭제일시: 2025/02/04 11:31:38)
  • 3. 무명의 더쿠 = 원덬 2025-02-01 23:09:02
    ☞1덬 솔직히 모르면 말이 안되는게 배울필요가 없는 요원임...솔랭에서도 픽률 장난없는데 알고만 있음 뭐하냐고
  • 4. 무명의 더쿠 2025-02-01 23:24:26

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