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잡담 페르소나) 이 시리즈 해본 이후로 듣자마자 과몰입하는 곡 2개
446 1
2021.09.29 10:00
446 1


페르소나 4

I shall fear no evil, 

for my loved ones will be with me

You shall be not afraid, 

for your loved ones will be with you

And we shall be in hope

With faith we believe

Many may go, 

Many may come

But ones that stay, 

I shall embrace them forever

We are one and all

You don't need to feel alone, no, 

we are there for you

The day and night

We strive for truth

If we unite, I believe we can change the world

Some may offend (Stay courageous and strong)

And some may harm (be just who you are)

But nothing breaks (I believe in)

The power of bonds

We are one (yes, you and I)

And all (with hearts so strong)

You don't need to feel alone (no more cries)

I am there for you

We are one (yes, you and I)

And all (With faith so pure)

You don't need to feel alone (we can, yes)

Cause we're there for you

정확히는 본편아니고 애니판 곡인데 

함께했던 친구들이 언제든 함께 있어준다는 가사라서 

게임내용 생각하면 눈물폭포ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


페르소나 5 

일단 초반에 Life will change 파트 들어가 있는것도 닭살돋는데 가사도...ㅠㅠㅠ

It's time to

Unveil the hype y'all been waiting for.

It's time to

Bring an end to question of who will win?

It's us.

I used to have bad feeling

Premonition of falling short.

Now I have no fear

Since we're here.

To fight it together.

I believe

We can fly up in the sky.

One day we may just

Be able to touch down on a star.

Off the road we have to go

The roadless path we shall proceed

Until the end of our roles.

There's no turning back for us

Cause we will never give up.

I thought that I told you I'm not a robot, no.

I thought I told you I'm not a phantom.

I'm in your face.

It's time to show

Everything we got.

To find a way out from this fake mirage.

Our life is happening in front of you

Right now.

It's time to seize it.

I believe

We can fly up in the sky.

One day we may just

Be able to touch down on a star

Off the road we have to go

The roadless path we shall proceed

Until the end of our roles.

There's no turning back for us

Cause we will never give up

It's our turn

To get back.

To grab the future which we fully believe

And it's not given to us.

It's earned.

And I believe

We can fly up in the sky.

One day we may just

Be able to touch down on a star.

Off the road we have to go

The roadless path we shall proceed

Until the end of our roles.

There's no turning back for us.

Because you know that

I believe

We can fly up in the sky.

One day we may just

Be able to touch down on a star.

Off the road we have to go

The roadless path we shall proceed

Until the end of our roles.

There's no turning back for us

Cause we will never give up.

괴도단이 함께라면 뭐든 할 수 있다고 '믿음을 가지고' 최종보스에게 도전하는 상황에서 나오는 곡ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

그리고 보스도 그런 괴도단을 알고 있고... 그런 보스에게 도전할때 나오는 곡임...

페르소나 BGM은 진짜 신이다....(나만 그럴수도? 아무튼 갓임)

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