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1,009 1
2020.05.28 20:08
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「If there is anything I can do」

The unexpected happened

and kept us from where 

we want to be

We still can’t be there to touch and feel

Until those days return

If being apart is the only thing we have to bear, we can endure

So, please continue not to hurt your loved ones

The days of uncertainty never seem to end

And just build up our loneliness 

So, let’s live on together

And have no regrets when “the day” comes 

So that you and I can meet again

I send you this song of my love

If something gets in the way of your heart

just tell me how you feel 

because I’ll be with you

It might seem like someone else’s problem

and even though the important things have been said already,

when can we learn to care about each other?

Without a clear answer,

some might have bitter words to say

But if just a few seconds could ease their feelings,

I will keep sending… 

So that you and I can meet again

I send you this song of my love

If something gets in the way of your heart

just tell me how you feel 

because I’ll be with you

Hoping to stay right by your side and

keep on loving you 

Because we met at the same time

I’ll protect you till the end

So that you can continue to smile

I send you this song of my love

Even if we can’t be close now

One day our effort will be rewarded

because I’ll always be with you

La la la…

So that you and I can meet again

I send you this song of my love

If something gets in the way of your heart

just tell me how you feel 

because I’ll be with you

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