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이슈 만4천불어치 디즈니 공주옷 사들인 25세 양덬
5,745 38
2016.02.09 03:16
5,745 38

Sarah Ingle, 25, has spent thousands on outfits to make her look like a princess, pictured as Elsa from Disney's Frozen wearing blue contact lenses over her hazel eyes to look more like the character

Sarah has spent $12,200 (&pound8,500) on realistic outfits to look like princesses, pictured as Cinderella in her evening gown in a blonde wig

Sarah gets her finance analyst boyfriend Derek Van Schaik, 30, to dress as a prince to complement her characters

Sarah's favourite outfit is Ariel from the Little Mermaid, pictured, because she gets to 'wear a red wig and tail and be a mermaid for the day'

Sarah dressed as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty in a crown and long blonde ringlets, she contours her face to look more like the princess

Sarah has 17 different princess outfits, including Snow White's iconic dress and bow worn with a short black wig

Sarah in an elaborate cape and gown as Princess Anna from Frozen worn with pigtail plaits

Sarah said: 'People often compliment me on my looks when I'm in character, and children always think I'm a real princess which is lovely,' pictured as Elsa from Frozen

Sarah dressed as Rapunzel with long flowing hair tied into a plait and decorated with flowers and a pale-pink bodice dress

Sarah wears a forest-green dress to be Princess Anna from Frozen, she launched her own party events business last year

Sarah spent Christmas Day last year at&nbspHolly Heights Nursing Center in Denver and lifted residents' spirits


Sarah has 5,000 followers on Instagram and has many 'lovely messages' on her appearance and ignores negative attention

Sarah, pictured off-duty, is a full-time marketing manager and dresses as princesses on the weekend for appearances at parties

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