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잡담 토트넘) 영잘알들 번역 부탁해
302 3
2024.11.29 20:29
302 3

Postecoglou is asked for the 75th time whether he will be pragmatic in a match: "Look, I don't know how many ways I can say this. I understand it. Look, there's plenty of room for pragmatism in walks of life and in football as well. But I'm just not interested in it. (contd)

"I don't know why I need to change my approach to be like everyone else wants me to be. I'll continue to push this team to be a bit different, to play football in a different way and maybe when I'm long gone you'll all pine for my entertainment, and you'll have had your (contd)

"fill of pragmatism. But look, if we were pragmatic I'd say at 2-0 up at City away, we'd have probably settled and we wouldn't have got the victory we did and made it a special moment for our club. I always think of the possibilities of what could be if we continue down (contd)

"this road, rather than holding on to what we have. Because at the moment what do we have? We don't have a hell of a lot. We haven't achieved anything yet, we haven't had success, we haven't done all the things we want to do. So if I start being pragmatic now, maybe (contd)

"we'll never get there. Last night we weren't at our highest level but, jeez, I thought for 20 minutes we were as exciting as we've been since I've been here. I loved our last 20 minutes of the first half. (contd)

"We should have got a third goal to kill the game off but we were exciting to watch. And that's what I want."

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