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공부 얼리에 코넬 불합격, 레귤러에 컬럼비아 뺀 아이비 리그 전부와 탑 사립 대학들 불합격
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2018.12.11 01:59
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작년 입시에서 코넬 얼리 디시전에 떨어졌던 한 아시안 남학생이, 코넬 얼리 디시전 불합격의 원인에 대해 토론하기 위해 CollegeConfidential.com의 코넬 대학방에 올린 글이에요.

그 후 레귤러 디시전에서는 지원했던 대학들 중에서 컬럼비아 하나만 붙고 아이비를 비롯한 탑 대학들 전부 떨어졌다고 하네요. 아무리 많은 대학들에 합격해도 어차피 진학하는 대학은 하나이므로 이 아시안 남학생은 아이비 대학인 컬럼비아에 합격해서 다행히 좋게 마무리 되긴 했어요.

모든 조건들이 완벽해보이는 이 아시안 남학생은 고교시절 medical reason 때문에 아무런 운동을 하지 않았다는데 이것이 탑 대학들 불합격의 원인이었을까요? 부모님 모두 청각장애(deaf)를 갖고 있다고 하는데 이 학생도 아마 선천적 장애로 인해 운동을 하기 힘들지 않았을까 생각해요.

이 학생이 아시안 남학생이 아니라 여학생이었거나, 아시안이 아닌 URM 혜택을 받는 인종이었다면 결과는 많이 달랐을 거라고 생각해요.


Why was I rejected ED?

03-04-2018 at 4:27 pm

I am so sad. I don`t know what I did wrong. I`ve been thinking about this since December. I`ve wanted to go to Cornell since 9th grade. Really anxious about my RD apps now. Just don`t know what I did wrong... so sad. I`ve been on this website for like two years but just now decided to make an account. I didn`t even get deferred.

SAT I (breakdown): 1600 (800M/800CW), one sitting
ACT (breakdown): I never took it
SAT II: 800 Math I (9th grade) 800 Math II (10th grade), 800 Physics (11th grade), 800 Chemistry (12th grade)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: I don`t think we have this, but I`ve never gotten a B.

College-level courses (I didn`t include non-ap or non-post ap):

9th grade:
AP Physics 1 (5) AP Calculus BC (5) AP US History (3)

10th grade:
AP CompSci (5) AP US Gov (5) AP Comp Gov (5) AP Bio (5) Calculus III Linear Algebra

11th grade:
AP Stats (5) AP Chem (one of 3 students in the entire world to earn a perfect score) AP Physics C Mech (5) AP Physics C E&M (5) AP English Language (4) Microbiology Discrete Structures Differential Equations Abstract Algebra AP World History (5) AP CS Principles (5)

12th grade:
Intro to Quantum Mechanics Complex Analysis Real Analysis Organic Chemistry AP English Literature AP Psychology Gym/Health (required to graduate) AP Spanish Language

summer activities: freshman year, I did like nothing. sophomore year, I took a post-ap bio course while working at McDonald`s. junior year I conducted research full-time

here are my major awards:
- Mega`s Moody Math challenge national finalist
- Research published. I presented my research at Intel ISEF and other symposiums.
- Perfect AP Chem Score in 2017. See my AP scores for 11th grade.
- USACO Platinum
- AIME Qualification four times
- i made a mobile app and it currently has 30,000 downloads. it won an award, but I won`t mention it here bc I don`t want to be identified. I was featured on two news stations because of it.
- USAPHO Qualification twice
- National AP Scholar
- National Merit
- played violin at national level

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Research at a top 10 university on US News and World Report Mobile App Development Senior Class President Math Team Captain Science Olympiad President Computer Science Club Founder Key Club President

Job/Work Experience: I worked at McDonald`s for a year because I needed money.

Volunteer/Community service: 1,000 hours of community service, all recorded. i got an award for having this many volunteer hours.

Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9/10, felt that they were very well written. English teacher said it was the "perfect college essay." It was about me growing up with my deaf parents. It was pretty well written IMO, had some humor and really showed them my character. After reviewing my essay, however, I realize I had one typo. It was a verb tense ("facilitated" should have been "facilitating).

Interview: She told me she would be surprised if I didn`t get in. She said if she were on the admission committee, she would admit me right away. We talked about hiking for a while.

Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major and College: Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): edit: I used to have my state on here, but I removed it because it might be easy to identify me. if you saw it, please don`t reference it in the replies below.
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: About $50,000.


Weaknesses: I got a 3 on APUSH freshman year, and I took my three subject tests in three different sittings so that I could study for them one at a time (never sent Math I because I thought they`d think I`m test-obsessed because I took it freshman year. plus I also took math II). Never qualified for USAMO, and never did any sports (I had a medical reason for not doing sports, though...). I really don`t know what I could have done better. Cornell says they`re need-blind, but maybe applying for financial aid hurt me.

I`m really just so confused.... I`ve been losing a lot of sleep thinking over this. I don`t know. I honestly don`t know what else I could have done :S. I skipped out on lots of social events in HS to focus on academics, and now I feel like it was for nothing. I see people around me getting in who didn`t do as much as me.

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