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공부 영어 npr 기사
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2022.01.19 00:27
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덬들아 안녕? 공부방에 처음 쓰는 글인데 공부하는 내용을 써도 되는걸까 혹시 이런 글 안되는 거면 말해주라 지울게 

기사이고 전반부만 긁어옴 

리턴관련 npr 기사


혹시 관심있는 덬들은 기사 링크 들어가면 다시 듣기도 있어 

From living rooms to landfills, some holiday shopping returns take a 'very sad path'

More than half a trillion dollars. That's the estimated value of all the stuff that U.S. shoppers bought last year only to return it — more than the economy of Israel or Austria.

There's a direct link from returns to the eye-popping scale of U.S. shopping overall. In 2021, U.S. shoppers likely spent a record $4.4 trillion.

We tried new brands with unfamiliar sizes after seeing them on TikTok or Instagram. We overbought for the holidays, worried about the supply chain delays. And we shopped exceedingly online, where returns are between two and five times more likely than with purchases from stores.

Where does it all go? Take the blanket I bought on holiday sale, only to discover it's just too small for my new couch. So I sent it back. Sorry, blanket! What will happen to it?

Why Americans buy so much stuff: A short history


Why Americans buy so much stuff: A short history

"Your blanket has a very high probability of being in a landfill," says Hitendra Chaturvedi, a supply chain management professor of practice at Arizona State University, who estimates that 2021's returns topped $500 billion. "That is what consumers don't realize — the life of a return is a very, very sad path."

Of course, this grim assessment is a bit of a, well, blanket statement. A lot depends on the product and the store's policies. For example, pricier clothes are very likely to get dry-cleaned and sold again as new. Sealed, never-opened packages might get sanitized and put back on the shelf. Electronics often get resold in an open box.

Value is the big threshold: Is the product worth the cost of shipping back plus paying someone to inspect, assess damage, clean, repair or test? That's why stores abandon billions of dollars' worth of goods, refunding or replacing them without asking shoppers to send their unwanted items back.


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