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이슈 김수현이 죽어도 사실 인정안하는 이유 (feat. 위약금)
104,240 549
2025.03.16 19:56
104,240 549


The Walt Disney Company 개인정보 보호팀

: privacycontact@TWDC.com

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: 080-822-1416

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: responsibility@twdc.com

디즈니 플러스 문의 이메일

: dmedpr@disney.com

*메일예시 @127덬 댓 참고

제목 : Protest Against Casting of Kim Su-hyun in "Knock-off" on Disney Plus

Dear Disney Team,

I am writing to express my deep disappointment and outrage regarding the casting of actor Kim Su-hyun as the lead in your upcoming Disney Plus drama, Knock-off.

It has come to my attention that Kim Su-hyun has been involved in a controversial relationship with actress Kim Saeron when she was a minor, which led to tragic consequences. The evidence surrounding this matter is alarming and raises serious ethical concerns. Given these circumstances, I find it disturbing that such an individual has been given a prominent role in a Disney production.

Disney has always been known for promoting values of inclusivity, kindness, and inspiration, especially to younger audiences. For many, Disney represents a brand that cultivates positive values and sets a standard of integrity. By casting someone with such a history, it sends a message that is completely contrary to these values, and it undermines the trust that families have placed in Disney over the years.

I ask that Disney reconsider the casting choice for Knock-off and take into account the responsibility it holds as a global entertainment leader. The well-being and safety of minors and vulnerable individuals should always be a priority, and it is crucial that Disney leads by example in upholding these standards.

I truly hope that Disney will take this opportunity to make the right decision, ensuring that its content remains aligned with the values it has worked so hard to uphold.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.


[Your Name]

목록 스크랩 (3)
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  • 1. 무명의 더쿠 2025-03-16 19:55:20
    진짜 그정도까지 마시면 중독아닌가...
  • 2. 무명의 더쿠 2025-03-16 19:55:56
    대체 성시경이랑 뭔얘길하는걸까 음악얘기하는것도 아닐거고 ㅋㅋ;;;
  • 3. 무명의 더쿠 2025-03-16 19:56:15
    그만큼 마실수가있는건가
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