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이슈 절대평가 전환 이후 역대 최악의 난이도라고 평가받는 이번 고3 6월 모의평가 영어영역 최악의 정답률 Top 5
2,680 20
2024.07.04 19:56
2,680 20



이번 영어 1등급 비율은 단 1.47%


90점 이상 받은 응시생의 비율이 100명 중에 2명도 안 된다는 소리임







1. 34번(3점), 정답률 19.5퍼센트

"Any attempt to model musical behavior or perception in a general way is filled with difficulties. With regard to models of perception, the question arises of whose perception we are trying to model ― even if we confine ourselves to a particular culture and historical environment. Surely the perception of music varies greatly between listeners of different levels of training; indeed, a large part of music education is devoted to developing and enriching (and therefore likely changing) these listening processes. While this may be true, I am concerned here with fairly basic aspects of perception ― particularly meter and key ― which I believe are relatively consistent across listeners. Anecdotal evidence suggests, for example, that most people are able to ‘‘find the beat’’ in a typical folk song or classical piece. This is not to say that there is complete uniformity in this regard ― there may be occasional disagreements, even among experts, as to how we hear the tonality or meter of a piece. But I believe ____________________."


① our devotion to narrowing these differences will emerge

② fundamental musical behaviors evolve within communities

③ these varied perceptions enrich shared musical experiences

④ the commonalities between us far outweigh the differences

⑤ diversity rather than uniformity in musical processes counts











2. 29번(3점), 정답률 18퍼센트

*어법이 맞지 않는 단어를 고르면 되는 문제임.

What makes practicing retrieval so much better than review? One answer comes from the psychologist R. A. Bjork’s concept of desirable difficulty. More difficult retrieval ① leads to better learning, provided the act of retrieval is itself successful. Free recall tests, in which students need to recall as much as they can remember without prompting, tend to result in better retention than cued recall tests, in which students ② give hints about what they need to remember. Cued recall tests, in turn, are better than recognition tests, such as multiple-choice answers, ③ where the correct answer needs to be recognized but not generated. Giving someone a test immediately after they learn something improves retention less than giving them a slight delay, long enough so that answers aren’t in mind when they need ④ them. Difficulty, far from being a barrier to ⑤ making retrieval work, may be part of the reason it does so.

* retrieval: 불러오기 ** retention: 보유력











3. 39번(3점), 정답률 16.9퍼센트

끼워넣을 제시문: This active involvement provides a basis for depth of aesthetic processing and reflection on the meaning of the work.


There are interesting trade-offs in the relative importance of subject matter (i.e., figure) and style (i.e., background). ( ① ) In highly representational paintings, plays, or stories, the focus is on subject matter that resembles everyday life and the role of background style is to facilitate the construction of mental models. ( ② ) Feelings of pleasure and uncertainty carry the viewer along to the conclusion of the piece. ( ③ ) In highly expressionist works, novel stylistic devices work in an inharmonious manner against the subject matter thereby creating a disquieting atmosphere. ( ④ ) Thus, when the work is less “readable” (or easily interpreted), its departure from conventional forms reminds the viewer or reader that an “aesthetic attitude” is needed to appreciate the whole episode. ( ⑤ ) An ability to switch between the “pragmatic attitude” of everyday life and an “aesthetic attitude” is fundamental to a balanced life. [3점]

* aesthetic: 미학의 ** pragmatic: 실용주의의











4. 31번(2점), 정답률 15.9퍼센트

When trying to establish what is meant by digital preservation, the first question that must be addressed is: what are you actually trying to preserve? This is clear in the analog environment where the information content is inextricably fixed to the physical medium. In the digital environment, the medium is not part of the ________. A bit stream looks the same to a computer regardless of the media it is read from. A physical carrier is necessary, but as long as the source media can be read, bit-perfect copies can be made cheaply and easily on other devices, making the preservation of the original carrier of diminishing importance. As the physical media that carry digital information are quite delicate relative to most analog media, it is expected that digital information will necessarily need to be migrated from one physical carrier to another as part of the ongoing preservation process. It is not the media itself but the information on the media that needs to be preserved.

* inextricably: 풀 수 없게


① platform

② storage

③ message

④ challenge

⑤ transformation











5. 36번(2점), 정답률 11.5퍼센트

Wildfire is a natural phenomenon in many Australian environments. The intentional setting of fire to manage the landscape was practised by Aboriginal people for millennia.


(A) However, the pattern of burning that stockmen introduced was unlike previous regimes. When conditions allowed, they would set fire to the landscape as they moved their animals out for the winter. This functioned to clear woody vegetation and also stimulated new plant growth in the following spring.


(B) Although grasses were the first kinds of plants to recolonize the burnt areas they were soon succeeded by further woody plants and shrubs. About the only strategy to prevent such regrowth was further burning ― essentially using fire to control the consequences of using fire.


(C) The young shoots were a ready food source for their animals when they returned. However, the practice also tended to reinforce the scrubby growth it was intended to control.


* regime: 양식 ** scrubby: 관목이 우거진 


① A-C-B
② B-A-C
③ B-C-A
④ C-A-B
⑤ C-B-A













정답은 차례대로 4-2-5-3-1





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