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6,327 30
2016.04.26 03:23
6,327 30

Incredible images have emerged showing a rare white giraffe with no markings on its body grazing with the rest of its herd in the African bush

Incredible images have emerged showing a rare white giraffe with no markings on its body grazing with the rest of its herd in the African bush

The Rothschild giraffe, which has lost pigmentation in its hide because of a rare condition, was spotted roaming in Ishaqbini, Kenya

Spotted: The giraffe was tracked down by rangers and despite its unusual appearance, was interacting normally with the rest of the herd

Its herd seemed completely oblivious to her unusual colouring, according to photographer Jamie Manuel, from the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) in Kenya

Mr Manuel said he is one of the only people to have captured images of the white giraffe since rumours of its existence emerged in February this year

Mr Manuel said that on the second day of searching he found a 20-strong herd in a clearing in the forest - and that the white giraffe was among them

Grazing: The animal appeared to be healthy and feeding well when rangers were finally able to track it down in&nbspIshaqbini, Kenya

Grazing: The animal appeared to be healthy and feeding well when rangers were finally able to track it down in&nbspIshaqbini, Kenya

The photographer said that a giraffe with leucism was spotted in January in Tanzania and that it seemed that the same condition affected this animal

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