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이슈 브리트니 스피어스 (Britney Spears) - Oops!...I Did It Again (2000)
988 1
2019.07.19 00:09
988 1

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 

I think I did it again 
I made you believe we're more than just friends 
Oh baby 
It might seem like a crush But it doesn't
mean that I'm serious 
'Cause to lose all my senses 
That is just so typically me 
Oh baby, baby

Oops!...I did it again 
I played with your heart, got lost in the game 
Oh baby, baby 
Oops!...You think I'm in love 
That I'm sent from above 
I'm not that innocent 

You see my problem is this I'm dreaming away 
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist 
I cry, watching the days 
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways 
But to lose all my senses 
That is just so typically me Baby, oh 
Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby Oops!... you think I'm in love 
That I'm sent from above I'm not that innocent

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 

"All aboard" 
"Britney, before you go, there's something I want you to have" 
"Oh, it's beautiful, but wait a minute, isn't this...?" 
"Yeah, yes it is" 
"But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end" 
"Well baby, I went down and got it for you" 
"Oh, you shouldn't have" 

Oops!...I did it again to your heart 
Got lost in this game, oh baby 
Oops!...You think that I'm sent from above 
I'm not that innocent 
Oops!...I did it again 
I played with your heart got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby Oops!...You think I'm in love
that I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent
Oops!...I did it again 
I played with your heart got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby Oops!...You think I'm in love
that I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent
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