첨엔 아 덕질하시는구나....하고 넘겼다가 아래 어떤 달링이 신곡나온대!!!해서 가보니 정말 신곡이야기였어!!!
Episode2??? 1은 언제 뵈줌?? 이랬는데 친절하게 설명해주시는 브리옹....
To see Episode 1 - the Launch - please revisit my IG feed about 18 post ago!! 이래서 나 달링 한나두이서이너이 세어서 18번째 피드에 도착했더니!!!
이것도 아 덕질하시는구나...하고 스킵했던거.....ㅠㅠㅠ
TO BE CONTINUED !!! NEW !!! New Horizons ! Launched nearly 13 years ago from Cape Canaveral, this NASA probe made history with its spectacular fly-by of Pluto in 2015. Now it’s on course to fly close to Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) Ultima Thule on New Year’s Day - 1st January 2019. This 60 second clip is the first of three brief tasters of my own new “New Horizons“ track, which will pay homage to this mission. We will reveal the song in full on 1st Jan. Visit the official NASA website at Image credit: NASA and APL. And watch this Space !!! Thanks to the mighty John Miceli for epic drums on this track. Thanks to the legendary Don Black for helping me write it. Also to my co-producers and engineers Justin Shirley-Smith and Kris Fredriksson. And respects to Kris for putting this clip together. And. Special thanks to NH Project Instigator Alan Stern. Bri
마...맞지??? 1월 1일 새 노래 마..맞지?