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리퀘영업/결과 ♨♨ 야마시타 토모히사 - Run From You ♨♨ RUN 리퀘 노래 ♬♪
353 1
2015.07.21 23:04
353 1

山下智久 - Run From You

How does she do it? As she's moving through it
My mind starts tripping I'm needing you
But I'll stop the urges Cuz its got me fiending
I'm needing more

Oh you're so smooth the way you move to take control of me
I'll follow along
I'm giving up for just a moment when we kissing babe
Your grip on me is tighting

You make me run from you
I'm crashing down to the ground
I'm gonna run to you

(There's no way that I could figure you out)
Its the way you grab my neck Its the way you still infect
(There's no way that I could figure you out)
You keep on pushing me

This blackouts fading My senses heightened
Gonna take you over I'm fighting you
But this games not easy When you move so sleazy
Now I know I'm losing

Oh you're so smooth the way you move to take control of me
I'll follow along

I'm giving up for just a moment when we kissing babe
Your grip on me is tighting

You make me run from you
I'm crashing down to the ground
I'm gonna run to you

(There's no way that I could figure you out)
Its the way you grab my neck Its the way you still infect
(There's no way that I could figure you out)
You keep on pushing me

(You make me run from you)
Your body's all twisted up
I'm gonna run to you

Cuz I know you need it I'm gonna run and get it
I'm needing you

(There's no way that I could figure you out)
Its the way your body move Its the fact our feelings true
(There's no way that I could figure you out)
You keep on pushing me
(There's no way that I could figure you out)
Its the way your body move Its the fact our feelings true
(There's no way that I could figure you out)
You keep on pushing me
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