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잡담 덬들아 항의 메일 여기로도 보내자 여기가 더 효과적일수도 있대 (구글메일로만 전송됨)
353 11
2024.10.28 18:43
353 11


이 링크 들어가서 쭉 내리다보면


이렇게 메일 주소 하나 나오는데 저거 클릭하면 바로 메일 보낼 수 있어

(구글 메일로만 전송되고 네이버•네이트 등등 다른 메일로는 주소 오류남)

리그앙 사무국 커뮤니케이션 부서 메일 주소래ㅇㅇ


메일 제목 :

Stop the racism against Lee Kangin

메일 본문 :


PSG must take immediate action against the Ultras supporter who racially abused Lee Kangin.


A man who called Kangin "mon chinois" during the Ultras invitational on 25 October has posted a video of himself on his social media accounts. This has been strongly criticised by other PSG supporters on Twitter and Instagram.

Lee Kangin is a South Korean international represantative. Calling him a "mon chinois" is a racist remark by a European against a clearly Asian player. Calling him 'Chinese' because of the representation of Asian traits in his physiognomy is the same as derisively calling all white people Americans or generalising all black people as Africans. This is racism and hatred, and it has no place in a global club like PSG.

Many PSG Asian fans are outraged, especially as the club is expanding its Asian fanbase with the signing of Lee Kangin. It is utterly unacceptable that this racist act against Lee was committed on the PSG campus and by the Ultras, who represent the fans.

As fans, supporters and fellow Asians of PSG, we will not stand for this. PSG must immediately ban the racist from the stadium and protect your player, our player, Lee Kangin.

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