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스퀘어 Mind Games _88rising & MILLI (feat. Jackson Wang)
2,849 1
2023.01.06 14:34
2,849 1


88ring&MILLI 노래 피쳐링 잭슨

단순히 피쳐링에만 참여 하지않고 뮤직비디오도 나옴


Middle of the night

Asking why

I’ve been thinking twice for so long 

Playin’ mind 

Playin’ mind games

Burned alive again

Can’t escape the notion

I’m a mannequin in a world of emotion (numb)

Let’s repaint your portrait we can make them think you feel alright

Come and take a bite of this and make them think you feel alright

Who says I wanna think it through?

Who says I wanna play these mind games anymore? 

This revelation’s overdue 

Who says I wanna play these mind games anymore? 

Voices on a loop 

And the tape distorts so 

Indecipherable, till it makes my mind go (numb)

Let’s repaint your portrait we can make them think you feel alright 

Come and take a bite of this and make them think you feel alright

Who says I wanna think it through?

Who says I wanna play these mind games anymore? 

This revelation’s overdue

Who says I wanna play these mind games anymore?

Middle of the night

Asking why I’ve been thinking twice for so long

Playin’ mind

Playin’ mind games 

Middle of the night 

Asking why I’ve been thinking twice for so long

Playin’ mind 

Playin’ mind games

Who says I wanna think it through? 

Who says I wanna play these mind games anymore?

This revelation’s overdue Who says

I wanna play these mind games anymore?

Middle of the night

Asking why

I’ve been thinking twice for so long

Playin’ mind

Playin’ mind games

Middle of the night 

Asking why 

I’ve been thinking twice for so long

Playin’ mind

Playin’ mind games

*슨이 파트만 볼릭체






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