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이슈 크래비티 (CRAVITY) 1st English Single - 'Boogie Woogie'
586 8
2022.08.12 13:49
586 8


작사: Jonas Jurstrom, Victor Thell, CRAVITY

작곡: Jonas Jurstrom, Victor Thell, CRAVITY

편곡: Jonas Jurstrom, Victor Thell

Take my hand and grab my hips

Swing around and turn your wrist

Lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Hold me tight don’t lose your grip

Sometimes you just need a twist

Just lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Follow me, follow me to the sunrise

Bullseye, slam dunk, you’re the first prize

The way I feel, when with you, it’s a first time

That’s what I like, that’s what I like, yeah yeah

Cherry pie, diet coke, salty french fries

You got all that I want, I’m on cloud nine

The chemicals are going crazy in my mi-ind

That’s what I like, that’s what I like, yeah yeah

Come on now (Come on now)

Don’t stop now (Don’t stop now)

Come on now (Come on now)

(A little Boogie Woogie is all we need)

Take my hand and grab my hips

Swing around and turn your wrist

Lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Hold me tight don’t lose your grip

Sometimes you just need a twist

Just lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

We go left, we go right, we go high up

Come on let me take you for a ride we be close up

Lean back, relax, with your eyes shut

That’s what I like, that’s what I like, yeah yeah

We go up, we go down, we go wild now

Boom boom boom to the beat and the bass line

No stress, say yes, it’s a home run

That’s what I like, that’s what I like, yeah yeah

Come on now (Come on now)

Don’t stop now (Don’t stop now)

Come on now (Come on now)

(A little Boogie Woogie is all we need)

Take my hand and grab my hips

Swing around and turn your wrist

Lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Hold me tight don’t lose your grip

Sometimes you just need a twist

Just lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Take my hand and grab my hips

Swing around and turn your wrist

Lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

Hold me tight don’t lose your grip

Sometimes you just need a twist

Just lean back babe and let me lead

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need

A little Boogie Woogie is all we need 



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