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2019.11.21 07:59
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🐻 Animals & Nature

🙈 See-No-Evil Monkey
🙉 Hear-No-Evil Monkey
🙊 Speak-No-Evil Monkey
💥 Collision
💫 Dizzy
💦 Sweat Droplets
💨 Dashing Away
🐵 Monkey Face
🐒 Monkey
🦍 Gorilla
🐶 Dog Face
🐕 Dog
🐩 Poodle
🐺 Wolf
🦊 Fox
🦝 Raccoon
🐱 Cat Face
🐈 Cat
🦁 Lion
🐯 Tiger Face
🐅 Tiger
🐆 Leopard
🐴 Horse Face
🐎 Horse
🦄 Unicorn
🦓 Zebra
🦌 Deer
🐮 Cow Face
🐂 Ox
🐃 Water Buffalo
🐄 Cow
🐷 Pig Face
🐖 Pig
🐗 Boar
🐽 Pig Nose
🐏 Ram
🐑 Ewe
🐐 Goat
🐪 Camel
🐫 Two-Hump Camel
🦙 Llama
🦒 Giraffe
🐘 Elephant
🦏 Rhinoceros
🦛 Hippopotamus
🐭 Mouse Face
🐁 Mouse
🐀 Rat
🐹 Hamster
🐰 Rabbit Face
🐇 Rabbit
🐿 Chipmunk
🦔 Hedgehog
🦇 Bat
🐻 Bear
🐨 Koala
🐼 Panda
🦘 Kangaroo
🦡 Badger
🐾 Paw Prints
🦃 Turkey
🐔 Chicken
🐓 Rooster
🐣 Hatching Chick
🐤 Baby Chick
🐥 Front-Facing Baby Chick
🐦 Bird
🐧 Penguin
🕊 Dove
🦅 Eagle
🦆 Duck
🦢 Swan
🦉 Owl
🦚 Peacock
🦜 Parrot
🐸 Frog
🐊 Crocodile
🐢 Turtle
🦎 Lizard
🐍 Snake
🐲 Dragon Face
🐉 Dragon
🦕 Sauropod
🦖 T-Rex
🐳 Spouting Whale
🐋 Whale
🐬 Dolphin
🐟 Fish
🐠 Tropical Fish
🐡 Blowfish
🦈 Shark
🐙 Octopus
🐚 Spiral Shell
🐌 Snail
🦋 Butterfly
🐛 Bug
🐜 Ant
🐝 Honeybee
🐞 Lady Beetle
🦗 Cricket
🕷 Spider
🕸 Spider Web
🦂 Scorpion
🦟 Mosquito
🦠 Microbe
💐 Bouquet
🌸 Cherry Blossom
💮 White Flower
🏵 Rosette
🌹 Rose
🥀 Wilted Flower
🌺 Hibiscus
🌻 Sunflower
🌼 Blossom
🌷 Tulip
🌱 Seedling
🌲 Evergreen Tree
🌳 Deciduous Tree
🌴 Palm Tree
🌵 Cactus
🌾 Sheaf of Rice
🌿 Herb
☘ Shamrock
🍀 Four Leaf Clover
🍁 Maple Leaf
🍂 Fallen Leaf
🍃 Leaf Fluttering in Wind
🍄 Mushroom
🌰 Chestnut
🦀 Crab
🦞 Lobster
🦐 Shrimp
🦑 Squid
🌍 Globe Showing Europe-Africa
🌎 Globe Showing Americas
🌏 Globe Showing Asia-Australia
🌐 Globe With Meridians
🌑 New Moon
🌒 Waxing Crescent Moon
🌓 First Quarter Moon
🌔 Waxing Gibbous Moon
🌕 Full Moon
🌖 Waning Gibbous Moon
🌗 Last Quarter Moon
🌘 Waning Crescent Moon
🌙 Crescent Moon
🌚 New Moon Face
🌛 First Quarter Moon Face
🌜 Last Quarter Moon Face
☀ Sun
🌝 Full Moon Face
🌞 Sun With Face
⭐ Star
🌟 Glowing Star
🌠 Shooting Star
☁ Cloud
⛅ Sun Behind Cloud
⛈ Cloud With Lightning and Rain
🌤 Sun Behind Small Cloud
🌥 Sun Behind Large Cloud
🌦 Sun Behind Rain Cloud
🌧 Cloud With Rain
🌨 Cloud With Snow
🌩 Cloud With Lightning
🌪 Tornado
🌫 Fog
🌬 Wind Face
🌈 Rainbow
☂ Umbrella
☔ Umbrella With Rain Drops
⚡ High Voltage
❄ Snowflake
☃ Snowman
⛄ Snowman Without Snow
☄ Comet
🔥 Fire
💧 Droplet
🌊 Water Wave
🎄 Christmas Tree
✨ Sparkles
🎋 Tanabata Tree
🎍 Pine Decoration

🍔 Food & Drink

🍇 Grapes
🍈 Melon
🍉 Watermelon
🍊 Tangerine
🍋 Lemon
🍌 Banana
🍍 Pineapple
🥭 Mango
🍎 Red Apple
🍏 Green Apple
🍐 Pear
🍑 Peach
🍒 Cherries
🍓 Strawberry
🥝 Kiwi Fruit
🍅 Tomato
🥥 Coconut
🥑 Avocado
🍆 Eggplant
🥔 Potato
🥕 Carrot
🌽 Ear of Corn
🌶 Hot Pepper
🥒 Cucumber
🥬 Leafy Green
🥦 Broccoli
🍄 Mushroom
🥜 Peanuts
🌰 Chestnut
🍞 Bread
🥐 Croissant
🥖 Baguette Bread
🥨 Pretzel
🥯 Bagel
🥞 Pancakes
🧀 Cheese Wedge
🍖 Meat on Bone
🍗 Poultry Leg
🥩 Cut of Meat
🥓 Bacon
🍔 Hamburger
🍟 French Fries
🍕 Pizza
🌭 Hot Dog
🥪 Sandwich
🌮 Taco
🌯 Burrito
🥙 Stuffed Flatbread
🍳 Cooking
🥘 Shallow Pan of Food
🍲 Pot of Food
🥣 Bowl With Spoon
🥗 Green Salad
🍿 Popcorn
🧂 Salt
🥫 Canned Food
🍱 Bento Box
🍘 Rice Cracker
🍙 Rice Ball
🍚 Cooked Rice
🍛 Curry Rice
🍜 Steaming Bowl
🍝 Spaghetti
🍠 Roasted Sweet Potato
🍢 Oden
🍣 Sushi
🍤 Fried Shrimp
🍥 Fish Cake With Swirl
🥮 Moon Cake
🍡 Dango
🥟 Dumpling
🥠 Fortune Cookie
🥡 Takeout Box
🍦 Soft Ice Cream
🍧 Shaved Ice
🍨 Ice Cream
🍩 Doughnut
🍪 Cookie
🎂 Birthday Cake
🍰 Shortcake
🧁 Cupcake
🥧 Pie
🍫 Chocolate Bar
🍬 Candy
🍭 Lollipop
🍮 Custard
🍯 Honey Pot
🍼 Baby Bottle
🥛 Glass of Milk
☕ Hot Beverage
🍵 Teacup Without Handle
🍶 Sake
🍾 Bottle With Popping Cork
🍷 Wine Glass
🍸 Cocktail Glass
🍹 Tropical Drink
🍺 Beer Mug
🍻 Clinking Beer Mugs
🥂 Clinking Glasses
🥃 Tumbler Glass
🥤 Cup With Straw
🥢 Chopsticks
🍽 Fork and Knife With Plate
🍴 Fork and Knife
🥄 Spoon

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