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이슈 100년 전 미국의 성매매 여성들 흑백 사진.jpg
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2017.08.01 03:29
5,497 12

Intimate photos from a Century ago show New Orleans' most famous madams flashing their wealth and prostitutes posing semi-nude in decadent and legal brothels

A woman wearing striped stockings drinks Raleigh Rye, Storyville's most popular drink, at a legal brothel in 1912

P hotographer E. J. Bellocq took dozens of portraits inside the brothels of Storyville, the only legalized red-light district in North America until it was shut down in 1917

Establishments in Storyville ranged from cheap cribs to elegant mansions for well-heeled out-of-town customers, where musicians would serenade customers. Pictured: A prostitute poses on a couch in 1912

Images show madams in their finest lace and fur and throwing lavish parties (pictured), while prostitutes lounge completely nude. Pictured:&nbspBirthday celebration or Josie Arlington (left in front row), one of Storyville's most successful madams.

At the peak of its success, there were some two thousand prostitutes and about forty brothels. Pictured: The parlour of Lulu White's Mahogany Hall, one of the poshest bordellos in Storyville

Madams such as Lulu White and Josie Arlington both pictured became extremely wealthy through their high-end and respected brothels. Pictured: A prostitute posing in 1912

Defloration of virgins was one of the popular request of Storyville clients but Josie absolutely refused to participate. Pictured:&nbspA naked woman, presumably a prostitute, in Storyville

The Blue Book advertised madams and prostitutes (pictured), as well as balls, bars, saloons, and even lawyers

Prostitution is still legal in some rural counties in the state of Nevada. Pictured: Marguerite Griffin, a prostitute from New Orleans's Storyville district, in 1912

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