안녕 책벗들,
좋은 하루 보내고 있니? 오늘은 챕터 3를 시작해보자!
챕터 3은 약 20페이지라, 이틀간 읽게 될 거야.
그럼 오늘도 파이팅!!
오늘치 분량:
Ch.3. Life, Uh, Finds a Way (1/2)
> 마지막 문장: That's what happened in 1956 when the Brazilian scientist Warwick Estevam Kerr imported some African queen bees from Tanzania, in an effort to cross-breed them with European bees -- the hope being that their combined traits would produce a species better suited to the Brazilian environment.
> Paperback 63-73 / Google books 24%