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스퀘어 국내 및 해외 언론사 제보메일 모음
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2024.05.26 11:18
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푸바오 글로벌서명


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SBS TV 동물농장 홈페이지 주소 : https://programs.sbs.co.kr/culture/animalfarm/main

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해외 언론사

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해외 언론사 제보 메일




I am writing to report concerns regarding the safety and welfare of the giant panda Fu Bao, who is currently under quarantine at the Shenshuping Panda Base in China.


Threats: Numerous posts threatening Fu Bao ha*ve been observed on Chinese social media. Measures are needed to address these threats.


Photo Leak: Photos of Fu Bao ha*ve been leaked from a restricted area. Internal cooperation is suspected, and a thorough investigation is required.


Hospitality Allegations: There are suspicions that unauthorized individuals ha*ve had contact with Fu Bao in the restricted area. This is extremely detrimental to the panda's health, and a detailed investigation and explanation are necessary.


Current Environment: Fu Bao's current living conditions appear inadequate.


Fu Bao is a beloved symbol for both Korean and Chinese people. Considering the public interest and affection for Fu Bao, it is crucial that these issues are reported and addressed.


Thank you.

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