01. Everybody Go (2011.08.10 1st single) https://theqoo.net/991130739
02. We never give up! (2011.12.14 2st single) https://theqoo.net/991130813
03. SHE! HER! HER! (2012.03.21 3rd single) https://theqoo.net/991130860
04. WANNA BEEEE!!! / Shake It Up (2012.08.15 4th single) https://theqoo.net/991130966
05. アイノビ-ト (2012.11.14 5th single) https://theqoo.net/991131046
06. My Resistance -タシカナモノ- / 運命Girl (2013.02.13 6th single) https://theqoo.net/991131081
07. キ・ス・ウ・マ・イ ~KISS YOUR MIND~ S.O.S (Smile On Smile) (2013.03.27 7th single) https://theqoo.net/991131120
08. キミとのキセキ (2013.08.14 8th single) https://theqoo.net/991131149
09. SNOW DOMEの约束 Luv Sick (2013.11.13 9th single) https://theqoo.net/991131209
10. 光のシグナル (2014.03.05 10th single) https://theqoo.net/991131241
11. Another Future (2014.08.13 11th single) https://theqoo.net/991131409
12. Thank youじゃん! (2014.12.24 12th single) https://theqoo.net/991131447
13. Kiss魂 (2015.03.25 13th single) https://theqoo.net/991131488
14. AAO (2015.10.14 14th single) https://theqoo.net/991131524
15. 最後もやっぱり君 (2015.11.11 15th single) https://theqoo.net/991131581
16. Gravity (2016.03.16 16th single) https://theqoo.net/991131615
17. Sha la la☆Summer Time (2016.08.24 17th single) https://theqoo.net/991131656
18. INTER (2017.03.01 18th single) https://theqoo.net/991131699
19. PICK IT UP (2017.06.07 19th single) https://theqoo.net/991131768
20. 赤い果実 (2017.11.29 20th single) https://theqoo.net/991131823
SP. You&Me (2018.04.25 special single) https://theqoo.net/991132211
21. LOVE (2018.07.11 21st single) https://theqoo.net/991131871
22. 君、僕。 (2018.10.03 22nd single) https://theqoo.net/991132094
23. 君を大好きだ (2019.02.06 23rd single) https://theqoo.net/991132138
24. HANDS UP (2019.07.10 24th single) https://theqoo.net/1127455894
25. Edge of Days (2019.11.13 25th single) https://theqoo.net/1242845459
26. ENDLESS SUMMER (2020.09.16 26th single) https://theqoo.net/1584558728
27. Luv Bias (2021.02.24 27th single) https://theqoo.net/1841336889
28. Fear / SO BLUE (2021.09.15 28th single) https://theqoo.net/2167708289
29. Two as One (2022.08.17 29th single)https://theqoo.net/2534363311
01. Kis-My-1st (2012.03.28 1st album) https://theqoo.net/991132366
02. goodいくぜ! (2013.03.27 2nd album) https://theqoo.net/991132503
03. Kis-My-Journey (2014.07.02 3rd album) https://theqoo.net/991132546
04. KIS-MY-WORLD (2015.07.01 4th album) https://theqoo.net/991132632
05. I SCREAM (2016.06.22 5th album) https://theqoo.net/991132732
06. MUSIC COLOSSEUM (2017.05.03 6th album) https://theqoo.net/991132899
07. Yummy!! (2018.04.25 7th album) https://theqoo.net/991132937
08. FREE HUGS! (2019.04.24 8th album) https://theqoo.net/1067331260
09. To-y2 (2020.03.25 9th album) https://theqoo.net/1344207524
그외 CD https://theqoo.net/991133022
BEST of Kis-My-Ft2 (2021.08.10 best album) https://theqoo.net/2167698884
2019.02 츄드컵에서 각 앨범 중 가장 많이 투표받은 커버들 보기 https://theqoo.net/991923607
어떻게 정리할까 고민하다가 링크로 정리하면 앞으로도 갱신하기 편할것 같아서 이렇게 정리했어 (부사이쿠 앨범커버도 정리하게 되면 글 올린다음 여기에 추가할게!!)
혹시 이 글이 갱신이 너무 늦으면 이 글 그대로 퍼가서 새로 글 써도 돼!!
각 글에서 오타나 오류 발견하면 사소한것도 좋으니까 여기에 꼭 알려줘!!!
이 글도 스크롤 압박 올만큼 앞으로도 싱글 앨범들 쭉쭉 많이 나오길 7ㅅ7